Pinned Repositories
This is the first project of Networking course in Android Basics Nano-degree Program of Udacity
This is a showcase for fetching list of products with pages using API and user can scroll in the list
Real-time Chat powered by Firebase
This app is to present a list of users. each row will have the user name, thumbnail, and total post count. On clicking a user, the bigger image and all the posts should be displayed.
The source for the Firebase codelab for building a cross-platform chat app
This repo is for displaying a list of movies and you can like/dislike the movie you want and see list of favourites you have.
This app is to show a list of movies from IMDB API and show details for a movie when clicked on its card
Realm is a mobile database: a replacement for SQLite & ORMs
This is a simple cart management where you can add/remove items and clear all items with displaying total count/price in cart
this is a simple app for a tour guide in Cairo city using ViewPager class with Fragments , it's a project in Udacity Android Basics Nano-Degree in the multi-screen course
AmrIsmaiel's Repositories
Realm is a mobile database: a replacement for SQLite & ORMs
this is a simple app for a tour guide in Cairo city using ViewPager class with Fragments , it's a project in Udacity Android Basics Nano-Degree in the multi-screen course
This is the first project of Networking course in Android Basics Nano-degree Program of Udacity
This is a showcase for fetching list of products with pages using API and user can scroll in the list
Real-time Chat powered by Firebase
This app is to present a list of users. each row will have the user name, thumbnail, and total post count. On clicking a user, the bigger image and all the posts should be displayed.
The source for the Firebase codelab for building a cross-platform chat app
A collection of quickstart samples demonstrating the Google APIs for Android and iOS
This is the second project of Networking course in Android Basics Nano-degree Program of Udacity
This repo is for displaying a list of movies and you can like/dislike the movie you want and see list of favourites you have.
This app is to show a list of movies from IMDB API and show details for a movie when clicked on its card
This is a simple cart management where you can add/remove items and clear all items with displaying total count/price in cart
This is the first project of Database course in Android Basics Nano-degree Program of Udacity
This is the second and the last project of Database course in Android Basics Nano-degree Program of Udacity
simple app as fetching Movies from TMDB with detailes
This app is to fetch weather details in your location and put it on a live captured photo you took from your area. You can share your photo on social media with weather details on it.