
Neural Additive Models (Google Research)

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NAM: Neural Additive Models - Interpretable Machine Learning with Neural Nets

Overview | Installation | Paper

PyPI Python Version PyPI version arXiv GitHub license

NAM is a library for generalized additive models research. Neural Additive Models (NAMs) combine some of the expressivity of DNNs with the inherent intelligibility of generalized additive models. NAMs learn a linear combination of neural networks that each attend to a single input feature. These networks are trained jointly and can learn arbitrarily complex relationships between their input feature and the output.


from nam.config import defaults
from nam.data import FoldedDataset, NAMDataset
from nam.models import NAM, get_num_units
from nam.trainer import LitNAM
from nam.utils import *
Define the experiments configurations
config = defaults()
>> Config(activation='exu', batch_size=1024, cross_val=False, data_path='data/GALLUP.csv', decay_rate=0.995, device='cpu', dropout=0.5, early_stopping_patience=50, experiment_name='NAM', feature_dropout=0.5, fold_num=1, hidden_sizes=[64, 32], l2_regularization=0.5, logdir='output', lr=0.0003, num_basis_functions=1000, num_epochs=1, num_folds=5, num_models=1, num_splits=3, num_workers=16, optimizer='adam', output_regularization=0.5, regression=False, save_model_frequency=2, save_top_k=3, seed=2021, shuffle=True, units_multiplier=2, use_dnn=False, wandb=True)
Creating and preprocessing the dataset
import sklearn
housing = sklearn.datasets.fetch_california_housing()

dataset = pd.DataFrame(data=housing.data, columns=housing.feature_names)
dataset['target'] = housing.target

config.regression = True

dataset = NAMDataset(config,

## Getting the training dataloaders
dataloaders = dataset.train_dataloaders()
Define NAM Model
model = NAM(
  num_units=get_num_units(config, dataset.features),
>>> NAM(
  (feature_nns): ModuleList(
    (0): FeatureNN(
      (model): ModuleList(
        (0): ExU(in_features=1, out_features=1000)
        (1): LinReLU(in_features=1000, out_features=64)
        (2): LinReLU(in_features=64, out_features=32)
        (3): Linear(in_features=32, out_features=1, bias=True)
    (1): FeatureNN(
      (model): ModuleList(
        (0): ExU(in_features=1, out_features=4)
        (1): LinReLU(in_features=4, out_features=64)
        (2): LinReLU(in_features=64, out_features=32)
        (3): Linear(in_features=32, out_features=1, bias=True)
    (2): FeatureNN(
      (model): ModuleList(
        (0): ExU(in_features=1, out_features=184)
        (1): LinReLU(in_features=184, out_features=64)
        (2): LinReLU(in_features=64, out_features=32)
        (3): Linear(in_features=32, out_features=1, bias=True)
Training loop
for fold, (trainloader, valloader) in enumerate(dataloaders):

    tb_logger = TensorBoardLogger(save_dir=config.logdir,
                                version=f'fold_{fold + 1}')

    checkpoint_callback = ModelCheckpoint(filename=tb_logger.log_dir +

    litmodel = LitNAM(config, model)
    trainer = pl.Trainer(logger=tb_logger,

## Testing the trained model

## Output
>>> [{'test_loss': 236.77108764648438,
  'test_loss_epoch': 237.080322265625,
  'Accuracy_metric_epoch': 0.6506563425064087,
  'Accuracy_metric': 0.6458333134651184}]
Nam Visualization
fig1 = plot_mean_feature_importance(litmodel.model, dataset)

fig2 = plot_nams(litmodel.model, dataset, num_cols= 3)



$ python main.py -h
usage: Neural Additive Models [-h] [--num_epochs NUM_EPOCHS]
                              [--learning_rate LEARNING_RATE]
                              [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE] --data_path DATA_PATH
                              --features_columns FEATURES_COLUMNS
                              [FEATURES_COLUMNS ...] --targets_column
                              TARGETS_COLUMN [TARGETS_COLUMN ...]
                              [--weights_column WEIGHTS_COLUMN]
                              [--experiment_name EXPERIMENT_NAME]
                              [--regression REGRESSION] [--logdir LOGDIR]
                              [--wandb WANDB]
                              [--hidden_sizes HIDDEN_SIZES [HIDDEN_SIZES ...]]
                              [--activation {exu,relu}] [--dropout DROPOUT]
                              [--feature_dropout FEATURE_DROPOUT]
                              [--decay_rate DECAY_RATE]
                              [--l2_regularization L2_REGULARIZATION]
                              [--output_regularization OUTPUT_REGULARIZATION]
                              [--dataset_name DATASET_NAME] [--seed SEED]
                              [--num_basis_functions NUM_BASIS_FUNCTIONS]
                              [--units_multiplier UNITS_MULTIPLIER]
                              [--shuffle SHUFFLE] [--cross_val CROSS_VAL]
                              [--num_folds NUM_FOLDS]
                              [--num_splits NUM_SPLITS] [--fold_num FOLD_NUM]
                              [--num_models NUM_MODELS]
                              [--early_stopping_patience EARLY_STOPPING_PATIENCE]
                              [--use_dnn USE_DNN] [--save_top_k SAVE_TOP_K]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --num_epochs NUM_EPOCHS
                        The number of epochs to run training for.
  --learning_rate LEARNING_RATE
                        Hyperparameter: learning rate.
  --batch_size BATCH_SIZE
                        Hyperparameter: batch size.
  --data_path DATA_PATH
                        The path for the training data
  --features_columns FEATURES_COLUMNS [FEATURES_COLUMNS ...]
                        Name of the feature columns in the dataset
  --targets_column TARGETS_COLUMN [TARGETS_COLUMN ...]
                        Name of the target column in the dataset
  --weights_column WEIGHTS_COLUMN
                        Name of the weights column in the dataset
  --experiment_name EXPERIMENT_NAME
                        The name for the experiment
  --regression REGRESSION
                        Boolean flag indicating whether we are solving a
                        regression task or a classification task.
  --logdir LOGDIR       Path to dir where to store summaries.
  --wandb WANDB         Using wandb for experiments tracking and logging
  --hidden_sizes HIDDEN_SIZES [HIDDEN_SIZES ...]
                        Feature Neural Net hidden sizes
  --activation {exu,relu}
                        Activation function to used in the hidden layer.
                        Possible options: (1) relu, (2) exu
  --dropout DROPOUT     Hyperparameter: Dropout rate
  --feature_dropout FEATURE_DROPOUT
                        Hyperparameter: Prob. with which features are dropped
  --decay_rate DECAY_RATE
                        Hyperparameter: Optimizer decay rate
  --l2_regularization L2_REGULARIZATION
                        Hyperparameter: l2 weight decay
  --output_regularization OUTPUT_REGULARIZATION
                        Hyperparameter: feature reg
  --dataset_name DATASET_NAME
                        Name of the dataset to load for training.
  --seed SEED           seed for torch
  --num_basis_functions NUM_BASIS_FUNCTIONS
                        Number of basis functions to use in a FeatureNN for a
                        real-valued feature.
  --units_multiplier UNITS_MULTIPLIER
                        Number of basis functions for a categorical feature
  --shuffle SHUFFLE     Shuffle the training data
  --cross_val CROSS_VAL
                        Boolean flag indicating whether to perform cross
                        validation or not.
  --num_folds NUM_FOLDS
                        Number of N folds
  --num_splits NUM_SPLITS
                        Number of data splits to use
  --fold_num FOLD_NUM   Index of the fold to be used
  --num_models NUM_MODELS
                        the number of models to train.
  --early_stopping_patience EARLY_STOPPING_PATIENCE
                        Early stopping epochs
  --use_dnn USE_DNN     Deep NN baseline.
  --save_top_k SAVE_TOP_K
                        Indicates the maximum number of recent checkpoint
                        files to keep.

Citing NAM

  title={Neural additive models Library},
  author={Kayid, Amr and Frosst, Nicholas and Hinton, Geoffrey E},
  title={Neural additive models: Interpretable machine learning with neural nets},
  author={Agarwal, Rishabh and Frosst, Nicholas and Zhang, Xuezhou and Caruana, Rich and Hinton, Geoffrey E},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.13912},