8 Puzzle Game


Simple 8 Puzzle game implemented in java with simple GUI implemented in Java SWING as shown

Game preview

The game can be solved and manipulated with the player and can be auto-solved anytime with the 2 solving buttons (See Features and notes below)

Game Features

  • The game can be auto-solved from any situation with A* Search or DFS Search
  • After a solving method is pressed, solving data will be displayed on the top right indicating how long did the search take, number of moves it requires and number of expanded nodes needed to solve the situation (See image below) status Image
  • Solving speed can be adjusted with the last button (press to cycle through different speeds)
  • When the game is solved absolutly nothing happens, I am depending on the players to celebrate themselves in the way they see fit :"D

General Note

  • of course A* is for the optimal solution with the least moves in the minimum time and the DFS is totally horrible it's just there for comparison
  • When using the DFS Solution I strongly advice to set the game speed to Fast (with the last button) as the solution is usually very long
  • You can stop the solution anytime by pressing the Reset button, the solution will stop and the game will reset (no thing else will work while the game is being solved by the Algorithms anyway :P)