
Real-time facial expression detection

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Cerebro is a python package for Facial Expression Detection, we provide a trained model with accuracy around 98% of 8 emotions [Happy, surprise, contempt, sad ,angry,disgust,Neutral,Fear], with a very simple interface for detection from image,video with any rotation and Real time streaming.


Example In this Example we get an image , predict an emotion then save it with the emotion.

from interface import video_stream as vs
from interface import process_image as pi

def main():
	im = cv2.imread("interface/7.jpg")
	items =pi.extract_faces_emotions(im)
	im =pi.mark_faces_emotions(im)
	cv2.imshow("detected emotions",im)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()

alt text

Installition Cerebro depends on some python packages, once you install Cerebro any missing Module will be automatically installed, for FFmpeg use this link.

Installation by hand: download the sources, either from PyPI or, if you want the development version, from GitHub, clone the project then use this command in terminal to setup.

$ (sudo) python setup.py install

Installation with pip: if you have pip installed, just type this in a terminal:

$ (sudo) pip install Cerebro

Using Model : once You install Cerebro You have to dowenload our trained model from this link and full model link then add them to new foldercalled saved-models

Using Landmark : if you want to use Landmark feature extractor you have to dowenload this file landmarks with 68 point using this link in this path saved-models/face-landmarks "create new folder called landmarks in saved-models"

Video demo see testing our interface on video :link

Documentation You can find a Documentation about the work process here
