
The Storefront API enables management of users, products, and orders.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Storefront API

This is the documentation for the Storefront API, which allows you to manage users, products, and orders.

Database Setup

  1. Create a user with the following command

  2. Create the main database

  3. Create the testing database

  4. Grant all privileges on the main database to the store_user

  5. Grant all privileges on the testing database to the store_user

.env Setup

Create a .env file in the root directory of the project and add the following configurations:

PORT=3000 NODE_ENV=dev POSTGRES_HOST= POSTGRES_PORT=5432 POSTGRES_DB=storefront POSTGRES_DB_TEST=storefront_test POSTGRES_USER=store_user POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password BCRYPT_PASSWORD=speak-friend-and-enter SALT_ROUNDS=10 TOKEN_SECRET=this-is-a-secret-token


Make sure to install the following dependencies using npm:

npm install prettier eslint db-migrate nodemon jasmine bcrypt dotenv express express-rate-limit helmet jsonwebtoken morgan pg supertest uuid


  1. /api/users

    • POST: Create a new user.
      • Endpoint: http://localhost:3000/api/users
      • Request body:
            "user_name": "example",
            "firstname": "example",
            "lastname": "example",
            "password": "example"
  2. /api/users/authenticate

    • POST: Authenticate a user and retrieve a token.
      • Endpoint: http://localhost:3000/api/users/authenticate
      • Request body:
            "user_name": "example",
            "password": "example"
  3. /api/products

    • GET: Get all products.
      • Endpoint: http://localhost:3000/api/products
  4. /api/orders

    • POST: Create a new order.
      • Endpoint: http://localhost:3000/api/orders
      • Request body:
            "user_id": "user_id",
            "status": "example"

CRUD Operations

  1. Create User

    • HTTP Method: POST
    • Endpoint: http://localhost:3000/api/users
    • Request body:
          "user_name": "example",
          "firstname": "example",
          "lastname": "example",
          "password": "example"
  2. Authenticate User

    • HTTP Method: POST
    • Endpoint: http://localhost:3000/api/users/authenticate
    • Request body:
          "user_name": "example",
          "password": "example"
  3. Update User

    • HTTP Method: PATCH

    • Endpoint: http://localhost:3000/api/users/{user_id}

    • Request body:

          "id": "user_id",
          "user_name": "example",
          "firstname": "example",
          "lastname": "example"

      Note: Don't forget to include the token in the request headers for authorization.

  4. Get All Users

    • HTTP Method: GET
    • Endpoint: http://localhost:3000/api/users
    • Request headers:
      Authorization: Bearer {token}
      Note: Replace {token} with the actual token received from user authentication.
  5. Delete User

    • HTTP Method: DELETE

    • Endpoint: http://localhost:3000/api/users/{user_id}

    • Request body:

          "user_name": "example",
          "password": "example"

      Note: Don't forget to include the token in the request headers for authorization.

Similar CRUD operations can be performed for Products and Orders by using the respective endpoints mentioned above.

Database Schema

Table "public.users"

Column Type Nullable Default
id uuid not null uuid_generate_v1()
user_name character varying(60)
firstname character varying(60) not null
lastname character varying(60) not null
password character varying(300) not null


  • "users_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
  • "users_user_name_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (user_name)

Table "public.products"

Column Type Nullable Default
id uuid not null uuid_generate_v1()
name character varying(60)
price character varying(60) not null


  • "products_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
  • "products_name_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (name)

Table "public.orders"

Column Type Nullable Default
id uuid not null uuid_generate_v1()
user_id character varying(60) not null
status character varying(200) not null


  • "orders_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)