
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Reelo Assignment

A node.js application to generate Question Paper


  • Efforts have been made to ensure modularity and adherence to good conventions.
  • Extensible generator with support has beed added. For instance, distributionBy can take subject, topic and difficulty. Correspondingly the distribution needs to be changed. Examples have been added inside index.js.
  • Default params: [100, { easy: 20, medium: 50, hard: 30 }, "difficulty"]
  • Generates Question Paper PDF as well as JSON for integrating into an API if needed
    • PDF generator util: ./utils/pdfgen.js
  • Sample seed data is already generated and the code to generate it is inside ./seed folder (no need to run as it's already generated). opentdb API has been used.
    • Sample seed data location: ./data/questions.json
    • Total questions: 180
    • easy: 60, medium: 60, hard: 60
    • Subject: Science and General Knowledge
    • Topic: Computers and Miscellaneous
  • Question Paper generator Controller: ./controllers/papergen.js, returns an object with questions array inside it
  • Hashmap is being used to fit the number of questions according to the target marks for that difficulty similar to "Find a subarray whose sum is equal to a certain input value" problem

Extra deps used

  • lodash: For utility functions like groupby, orderby, sort, etc
  • pdfkit: For generating PDF

Usage Instructions

  • Install yarn: npm i -g yarn
  • Install dependecies: yarn
  • Generate Paper: yarn generate
  • To generate for a new total Marks and difficulty distribution add the params in generate() function in ./index.js file and rerun the generate command. Examples have beend added below the params var initialisation.
       * @param {"difficulty" | "subject" | "topic"} distributionBy (optional)
      const params = [100, { easy: 20, medium: 50, hard: 30 }, "difficulty"]
      // const params = [150, { easy: 20, medium: 50, hard: 30 }, "difficulty"]
      // const params = [100, { Science: 40, "General Knowledge": 60 }, "subject"]


  • Question Paper PDF: ./QuestionPaper.pdf
  • Question Paper JSON: ./paper.json