Terraform Infrastructure for TerraformCodeSnippet

This repository contains Terraform code for managing the infrastructure of TerraformCodeSnippet.


Infrastructure Managed: This snippet code covers various topics on Infrastructre management with Terraform code with different cloud providers(Azure,AWS,GCP).



Getting Started


Terraform v1.6.5 or later


Azure CLI Login 


Not at the moment

Applying the Code:

terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply

Key Resources

1. Azure Keyvault


1. Azure Keyvault secrets


1. AzureKeyVault


We welcome contributions to this repository! Here's how you can help:

1. Reporting Issues:

If you encounter any bugs or unexpected behavior, please open an issue on GitHub. Provide a clear and concise description of the problem, including steps to reproduce it.

2. Suggesting Features:

If you have ideas for new features or improvements, please open a feature request issue. Describe the proposed feature and its benefits, and consider any potential drawbacks.

3. Making Code Changes:

Fork the repository on GitHub. Create a new branch for your changes. Make your changes and ensure they adhere to our coding style guidelines (see below). Write clear and concise commit messages. Open a pull request and provide a detailed description of your changes. Include unit tests for any new or modified code.

4. Code Style Guidelines:

Follow the Terraform recommended style guide: https://www.terraform.io/docs/language/syntax/style.html Use consistent indentation (2 spaces). Break long lines when necessary to improve readability. Use meaningful variable and resource names. Add comments to explain complex logic.

5. Getting Your Pull Request Reviewed:

Reviewers will provide feedback on your changes. Address any feedback and make necessary modifications. Once your changes are approved, a maintainer will merge your pull request.

6. Testing:

We highly encourage you to write unit tests for your changes. Tests help ensure code quality and prevent future regressions.

Thank you for your contributions!