Azure Data Engineer Associate Questions


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  1. hot vs cold vs archive tiers- days/when to choose
  2. When to switch from databricks standard cluster to premium based on limitations.
  3. Read databricks cluster config json based questions
  4. Table with clustered column, hash distribution- which columns - id col/date col
  5. Dim table with star schema- which is SK
  6. When to choose SHIR
  7. Azure HD Insight based question- basic functionality
  8. Synapse life cycle management vs soft delete vs retention vs delete from event hub
  9. Event hub - reference input and Stream input
  10. Is there data skewness in given table
  11. Monitor activities of adf + adb containing jar/notebook/copy
  12. Is the table of type SCD 2
  13. Date dim table and Transactions on fact table
  14. Dim table- type- replicated
  15. SCD 2 update using - MERGE/UPDATE/INSERT
  16. IoT folder structure when engineers from multiple region access the data - raw/regionid/yyyy/mm/dd/devideid.csv
  17. find the SK- identity col
  18. Remove old data - switch partiton or delete-where
  19. Clustered index usage
  20. Copy from sql to synapse using R language- MDF/Copu into/databricks
  21. storage format preferred for IoT with high compressibility - csv/txt/avro
  22. Repo - collab branch/publish branch/root folder - where is ARM located & where is ARM of xyz located
  23. Realtime data in ADLS - autoloader or copy data
  24. Rentention setting in Event hub??
  25. Log analytics montitor - KQL or adf monitor based
  26. Count of tweet every 10 sec- query
  27. Count of tweet every 10 sec in last sec - query- hop/window
  28. Read ADLS based on given situation - SAS/MIdent/AKeys
  29. CLS based Q
  30. RLS based Q
  31. ADF log for 180 days- how?
  32. Data flow debug based- delay
  33. Which pipeline failed from given image
  34. Read json synapse query - filedquote?
  35. cross apply - openjson/opendataset/openrowset
  36. txt file has list of table name. read thos tables in adf - filter/lookup
  37. %%scala, scala_df.write.______(db) - load/saveastable/synapsesql
  38. synapse spark pool measuting unit - monitor?
  39. Trigger type from given scenario
  40. data>10000? from the shown table, dbcc pdw_showspace....
  41. streaming data in adls - how to read in databricks
  42. transaction if failed should rollback - begin tran/rollback tran in catch statement/commit tran - query
  43. sql pool/spark pool when to use based on situation
  44. append or update based on situation
  45. json- flatten/expand/explode- query synapse
  46. SAS key least maintenance based on situation
  47. Transparent data encryption based question
  48. Case study on contoso- partition col?, distribution type for transaction?, table or ext table?, range right for right boundaries?

Lessons Learned

No matter what, please read the following topics carefully

  1. data-lake-storage-access-control
  2. analytic-functions-azure-stream-analytics
  3. workspaces-encryption
  4. sql-data-warehouse-tables-index
  5. sql-data-warehouse-tables-partition
  6. sql-data-warehouse-tables-distribute
  7. lifecycle-management-overview
  8. security-white-paper-access-control
  9. stream-analytics-use-reference-data
  10. stream-analytics-define-inputs
  11. stream-analytics-stream-analytics-query-patterns
  12. stream-analytics-window-functions
  13. query-json-files
  14. sql-data-warehouse-load-from-azure-blob-storage-with-polybase
  15. load-data-from-azure-blob-storage-using-copy
  16. source-control
  17. concepts-pipeline-execution-triggers
  18. access-tiers-overview
  19. monitor-using-azure-monitor
  20. synapse-analytics