
What can it do?

Commands in-game :

  • $8ball - A virtual 8ball you can use.

  • $coinflip - Flip a coin!

  • $nfa - Gives you a free Minecraft account! (Disabled temporarily)

  • $russianroulette - Play Russian roulette.

  • $tps - Gives server TPS.

  • $uuid - Gives yours or someone else's UUID.

  • $kit - TPAs to you with a kit.

  • $book - TPAs to you with a dupe kit.

  • $pvp - TPAs to you with a pvp kit.

  • $grief - TPAs to you with a grief kit.

  • $list - Lists kits avaliable.

  • $dice - Rolls a dice and posts dice in chat.

  • $discord - Posts the discord server.

  • $donate - Posts a link to my PayPal XD.

  • $dupe - Posts a video with a working dupe.

  • $ping - Prints ping of

  • $bp - Posts the person with the best (lowest) ping.

  • $wp - Posts the person with the worst (highest) ping.

  • $rquote - Gives a random quote.

  • $insult - Insults

  • $quran - Quotes a random Ayah from the Quran.

  • $votd - Prints the Verse of The Day from the Bible.

  • $queue - Prints the ammount of players waiting in the 2b queue.

  • $time - Prints the time in ticks.

  • $sleep - Prints if you can sleep or not.

  • $joke - Prints a two-part joke.

  • $countdown - Counts down from 3.

  • $cnt - Counts down from 3.

  • $quote - Prints a random message said in the past.

  • $joindate - Prints how long ago someone joined the server.

  • $playtime - Prints how long someone has played on the server for.

  • $lastseen - Prints the last time was online

  • Using is optional. If you type a command without it will assume is your ign.

  • more soon