Social Media App


As per the requirements of the coding challenge.A social media platform that allows users to create and share posts and view them in a feed.


  • Email & Password Authentication
  • Share Posts with Caption
  • Display Posts with Caption
  • Like & Comment on Posts
  • Search Users
  • Follow Users
  • Display User Posts, Followers & Following
  • Sign Out


Click Here


After cloning this repository, migrate to SocialMediaApp folder. Then, follow the following steps:

  • Create Firebase Project
  • Enable Authentication
  • Make Firestore Rules
  • Create Android, iOS & Web Apps Then run the following commands to run your app:
  flutter pub get
  open -a simulator (to get iOS Simulator)
  flutter run
  flutter run -d chrome --web-renderer html 

Tech Used

Server: Firebase Auth, Firebase Storage, Firebase Firestore

Client: Flutter, Provider