
Modify your termux with a voice interface

Primary LanguageShellThe UnlicenseUnlicense


Beautify your Termux App With a warm welcome

[+] Installation & Usage

apt update
apt install git -y
pkg install mpv -y
git clone https://github.com/AmshenShanu07/jarvis-welcome.git
cd jarvis-welcome
chmod +x *
sh install.sh

or use Single Command

apt update && apt install git -y && pkg install mpv && git clone  https://github.com/AmshenShanu07/jarvis-welcome.git && cd jarvis-welcome && chmod +x * && ./install.sh

[+]How to remove

cd jarvis-welcome

bash rvt.sh

For providing the code

[+] Find Me on :

Plzz text your errors to this grp :https://t.me/joinchat/NM1A0FN8Bu-swiQNFRhdgw