I've created this repository to store a WhatsApp Bot project with Venom Bot NPM Extension. My goal is to create a WhatsApp Bot to talk with customers.
Finishing with WhatsApp, my next target is create another one, but to Telegram.
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript, NodeJS;
- Venom Package;
- File System Package.
- If you have the project created already, you can skip to 'run' session
- Open terminal, go to server folder and tip:
npm init
- To download the packages, tip the following commands:
npm i --save venom-bot
npm install file-system --save
- After that, let's check if are any bugs in the packages and fix'em:
npm audit
npm audit fix --force
- Open terminal, go to 'server' folder and tip:
node index.js
- Comming Soon: Telegram Bot!
Email: csfelix08@gmail.com
Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/csfelix/
Instagram: instagram.com/c0deplus/
Portfolio: CSFelix.io