About me project for week 1 of Code 201
This project is designed to introduct myself, in a limited way, through a fun gussing game. You'll get to know me better by finding out some trivia.
I am doing this project becuase it is required and it is a great way of learning how to do a job that I hope to attain after graduation.
Received .gitignore and .eslintrc.json from the class repo
Got help from the TAs, Katy, Jason, and Timea when I got stuck on questions 6 and 7.
Got MASSIVE help with question 7 from Andrew and Collin. Oh my gosh, I was so stuck. Driver: I added functions to Collins js under his direction. Navigator: I had Collin add the functions to my js file. We also discussed, labored on, and correct a bug that existed on Q7.