
Install our command line tool, to easily setup a new resume.json. Once setup, you can export or publish straight from terminal

Primary LanguageJavaScript

JsonResume Command Line Tool

Build Status


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#Getting Started

npm install -g resume-cli


resume --help

For a complete list of options and commands.

resume init

Creates a new resume.json file with a blank schema in your current working directory.

From here you can complete the resume.json in your text editor following the schema available at: jsonresume.org

resume test

Runs your resume.json through our schema tests to ensure it complies with the jsonresume standard and tries to identify where any errors may be occurring.

resume export [myresume.extension]

Exports your resume locally in a stylized html, markdown, or pdf format.

To select one of the available themes use the --theme <theme name> flag. Themes available are: crisp, traditional, modern, (more to come).

Example: resume export myresume.html --theme modern

resume register

Registration is optional. To publish your resume to your account with a custom domain extension at registry.jsonresume.org, you will first need to acquire login credentials.

resume publish

This command will guide you through the publish process. Consider using the theme flag to style your resume (Defaults to modern).

Example: resume export --theme traditional