API Design Workshop



You have as business goal to build a killer video sharing app! that must be cross-devices (Desktop, Mobile, AppTV...)

You've decided wisly to think API First and API Design First.

User stories

  • As a user, I want to upload my videos.
  • As a user, I want to retreive my uploaded videos.
  • As a user, I want to update my videos metadata (title, description).
  • As a user, I want to share my videos to other users.
  • As a user, I want to play one specific video.
  • As a user, I want to delete my videos.

Step1. Let's create a state machine diagram

Task: In this step we draw out a state diagrams for the proposed API. Each box in the diagram represents a possible representation. You can use arrows to indicate transitions from one box to the next.

You can use draw.io

This state machine diagram will help you to identify the main ressources and their relations.

Step2. Let's describe what actions our API affords

List all the API affordances

Step3. Formalize the design in the Open API Specification

Task: Write an open api specification

The OAS file can be edited in whatever tool you like BUT NOT GENERATED FROM YOUR CODE, the most important thing is that the aprouved one (the contract) MUST be in Apiary.

Step4. Verify the design using Apiary Documentation and Apiary Mock Service

Task: Try the Apiary mock service

Step5. Review the API Design

At this stage you:

  • Ask feedback from your API users by sending to them the documentation link.
  • Ask feedback from your product owner
  • Ask feedback from the API Evangelists (if needed :))

If your API looks like this remote control then your design is affordant and consistent.

Grandma Remote control

(Optional) Develop the API

Dev workflow

  1. Check out the VCS repository with the OAS file
  2. Set up the Dredd API testing tool locally
  3. Configure dredd for your project
  4. Run dredd
  5. Implement the API (Keep running the Dredd locally to see the progress.)
  6. Set up a CI/CD pipeline to execute the Dredd tests automatically

Test with postman

  1. Import the OAS file into postman
  2. Run the demo video api app (npm start)
  3. Test the API with postman

Some example of good designed APIs

Sample APIs following the guidelines are available at adidas-group GitHub. The samples include the following:

Very simple API including implementation, testing, and full CI/CD lifecycle.

Real-world API with state transition, API key client app authentication, exposed via API management.

Sample API used as the template for newly created projects at Apiary.

Real-world Adidas Inventory API (WIP)

Demo API, including implementation and testing used during training.

Sample API showcasing description of complex query parameter rules.

Some example of bad designed APIs

Missing description Missing examples Missing HAL Exposing internal model Missing support contact

Usage of acronyms, what's ATP ? Missing description / context Missing HAL Missing support contact