
Based on John Hammond's and Lavender's script(s)

Primary LanguagePowerShell


  1. Create a DC with domain name of moros.local
  2. Run rand_users.ps1 script to generate a list of users
  3. Copy generate_ad.ps1, ad-schema.json to the DC @ C:\Windows\Tasks
  4. Run .\generate_ad.ps1 ad-schema.json

This will generate users and local admins on your AD forest.

Install DC

  1. Use sconfig to:

    • Change the hostname
    • Change the IP address to static
    • Change the DNS server to our own IP address (or
  2. Install the Active Directory Windows Feature

Install-WindowsFeature AD-Domain-Services -IncludeManagementTools

Joining the Workstation to the domain

Make sure the workstation's DNS is set to the DC IP

Add-Computer -Domainname moros.local -Credential moros\Administrator -Force -Restart

Random User Generation

To generate a random user, run the following command:

.\rand_users.ps1 ad-schema.json <NUM Users> <NUM Groups> <NUM LocalAdmins>

.\rand_users.ps1 ad-schema.json 5 5 3

Max No. of Groups: 20

Username Format: First Initial+Lastname (dfriens)


    "domain":  "moros.local",
    "users":  [
                      "groups":  "Executives",
                      "name":  "Diaz Friens",
                      "password":  "elocin"
                      "local_admin":  true,
                      "groups":  "Developers",
                      "name":  "Atkins Marila",
                      "password":  "pooh123"
                      "local_admin":  true,
                      "groups":  "Contractor",
                      "name":  "Sat Silvestri",
                      "password":  "marlboro"
                      "groups":  "Sales",
                      "name":  "Krauskopf Vecerril",
                      "password":  "softball22"
                      "local_admin":  true,
                      "groups":  "Developers",
                      "name":  "Randy Woolley",
                      "password":  "nextel"
    "groups":  [
                       "name":  "Executives"
                       "name":  "Security"
                       "name":  "Developers"
                       "name":  "Sales"
                       "name":  "Contractor"