- OLED 128*64
- TFT 320*240
Please watch the demo video.
Please referance to this article.
- STM32F103CET6 Blue Pill
- OLED_12864_SSD1306 with IIC interface, or you could port to other screen interfaces.
- USB to UART converter
- ST-Link Debuger, any tools could the download program to the MCU.
- STM32F103CET6 Blue Pill
- OLED_12864_SSD1306 IIC 接口,或者你能移植到其它屏幕或接口
- USB-UART 转换接口
- ST-Link 调试器,任何能够下载程序到MCU的均可
- MCU: CubeMX_IDE, or you can port my source code to your IDE.
- Python IDE: PyCharm, not required if you know how to run python in a terminal.
- 单片机:CubeMX_IDE,或者你可以移植源代码到你使用的IDE
- Python:PyCharm,并不是必须的,可以在命令行中运行程序
- python 3.x
I wrote an environment setup script in \python_gui\tools\environment_setup.py, which could help you install modules below, but you must first install python 3.x to run this script.
我写了一个环境建立的脚本在:\python_gui\tools\environment_setup.py, 它可以帮助你安装下面的模块, 但是首先你得安装Python 3.x来运行这个脚本
- pyserial
- numpy
- opencv-python
- PyQt5
- pywin32
0, Make sure you have all the required hardware and software.
1, Download the MCU program and connect USB2UART module, then restart MCU.
2, Run GUI on a Windows PC:
0, Open the folder: \python_gui
1, Open a terminal enter and run cmd: python main.py
Or Run main.py in PyCharm IDE.
2, Scan the serial port and select the right one to connect to the MCU.
3, Do whatever you want...
1,打开中端输入并运行:python main.py