
Android app that shows GitHub repos by a given username.

Primary LanguageJava


Android app that allows the user to search for GitHub repos by a given username. We use Material Design for UI/UX. The architecture is based on Clean Architecture using Model-View-Presenter + Interactor + Repository patterns.

Material Design

Material design


App architecture

  1. Data layer: All data needed for the application comes from this layer using the Repository pattern with a Factory pattern to create an InMemoryRepository or a NetworkRepository if the given username is cached or not, respectively. The idea behind this is the data source is transparent for the client.
  2. Domain layer: All the business logic happens in this layer. You will find all the Interactors here.
  3. Presentation layer: Here lives the Model-View-Presenter (MVP) pattern, where the View is an Activity or a Fragment, the Model is a UI model and the Presenter is the man-in-the-middle that handles user actions from the View, then consumes data through Interactors and finally passes the data to be rendered to the View.


  1. Unit Testing: Unit Tests that run on the JVM, using JUnit and Mockito frameworks.
  2. UI Testing: UI Tests that runs on an Emulator or a device, using Robotium and Espresso frameworks.