andi_datasets provides functions to generate, save, load and manipulate datasets of diffusion anomalous trajectories. It is part of the Anomalous Diffusion (ANDI) Challenge.
Jupyter NotebookMIT
- alecheckertUC Berkeley
- BorjaRequenaICFO-The Institute of Photonic Sciences
- CenMM1
- DavidPeleg6
- EdwardZX
- GabrielFernandezFernandezICFO-Institut de Ciències Fotòniques
- GitHub30Osaka, Japan
- GJBoth
- gorkamunoz
- HannaLochOlszewska
- hkabbechDataHub Maastricht
- huangzihSchool of Physics and Electronics, Hunan University
- imr555Neovotech
- jung235
- JunwooParkSaribuSorbonne Université
- Krozard
- LiyubovEarth
- lvxj99IHEP
- mastrofETH Zürich - Institute of Environmental Engineering
- noisyoscillatorBangalore, India
- philophysics
- quantixedUniversity of Warwick
- shyamkprakash
- smilerrrr
- TarickWakeUniversity of bordeaux
- YuyaoShi1999student