
A brief description of my interests, projects and collaborations

About me

My main research areas include Bayesian methodology, Bayesian parametric and nonparametric modelling, health economic evaluations, decision models, methods for handling missing data, meta-analysis and survival analysis.



See here

Work and Projects



Some of the papers published through projects


Some Bayesian software code used to implement the models in my projects

  • STAN code for modelling of structural values in patient level partitioned survival cost utility analysis
  • JAGS code for joint longitudinal models in economic evaluations when dealing with missing data
  • JAGS code for joint model of volleyball match results
  • JAGS code for bivariate Beta-Gamma missing data model with an hurdle approach to handle structural ones in the effectiveness
  • JAGS code for longitudinal bivariate Beta-LogNormal pattern mixture model with an hurdle approach to handle structural ones and zeros in the effectiveness and costs
  • Some tutorials on writing and fitting Bayesian models using R and JAGS, OpenBUGS or STAN
  • MissingHE R package to fit different types of Bayesian models for handling missing data in health economic evaluations