
The Project for providing football data of all major leagues in a machine-readable way

Primary LanguageTSQL


Build status: build_status

This is a sample Java / Maven / Spring Boot application that can be used as a starter for providing football data of all major leagues in a machine-readable way. The API for football data is football-data.org.


  • IDE
  • JDK 1.8 or later
  • Maven
  • DynamoDB(or MySQL)

Explore Rest APIs

The app will start running at:


Here are some endpoints you can call:

  • /api/competitions : gets all available competitions;
  • /api/competitions/{id} : gets info about competiton with choosen id;
  • /api/competitions/{id}/matches : gets all matches for competitions with choosen id;
  • /api/teams/{id} : gets info about team with choosen id.

The working examples is available by application link https://footballdatarest.herokuapp.com. According to the Heroku cloud platform, the first request may take about 30 seconds. For example, for getting all information about UEFA champions league, you can use link:

[comment]: # (https://footballdatarest.herokuapp.com/api/competitions/2001


All available endpoints for working with database you can find in package ua.footballdata.controller.

Also, for getting full describing REST APIs is using the Swagger. To view the result of Swagger's work use the URL v2/api-docs:


The result is a JSON response with a large number of key-value pairs. For making user interaction with the Swagger-generated API documentation much easier use Swagger UI swagger-ui.html:



MIT Free Software, Hell Yeah!