

Primary LanguageCommon LispMIT LicenseMIT

HTMX Filter Tree Aggregations PoC


PoC demonstrating a dynamic filtering form with HTMX for a SIP/Mail-Server applicance.

The backend is implemented in Common Lisp, using the 3rd party systems cl-who (HTML generation), esrap (Packrat parsing), hunchentoot (HTTP server), cl-sqlite (SQL database).


  1. Install SBCL (Other Common Lisp implementations such as Clozure or ECL may work, but are untested).
  2. Install the ocicl package manager.


  1. Run ocicl install to install all dependencies.


Run the following command:

sbcl --disable-debugger \
     --eval '(pushnew (uiop:getcwd) asdf:*central-registry*)' \
     --eval '(asdf:load-system :xfiltertree-server)' \
     --eval '(hunchentoot:start xfiltertree-server:*acceptor*)' \
     --eval '(sleep #xffffffff)'

Then access the server at http://localhost:8080



Provides webstr:escape that hex-escapes strings for safe usage in HTML/CSS. All non-alphanumeric characters C are translated to _XX_ where XX = hex(C).

webstr:unescape unescapes any string produced by webstr:escape so that (webstr:unescape (webstr:escape) S) ≣ S.


Parser & grammar definition for a simple equivalency expression language. (fql:parse-filter string) parses string into a structured list.

table.column=x is parsed into a structured list of the form ((:eq "table.column" "x")).

Subtyping clauses are also supported as a special case. table[type=t].column=x is parsed into ((:eq "table.column" "x") (:strict-eq "table.type" "t")).


Defines the classes node and aggregation where aggregation extends node.

Each node has a string name and a list of children nodes.

An aggregation node additional has an associative list bin which associates bin specification string to fql filter strings.


Uses xfiltertree, fql, webstr.

Clause Processing

A clause is a list of pairs of the form ((filter . bin) …) where filter is a fql filter string and bin is an opaque bin designator. The HTML form values are received by the server as such pairs.

(xfiltertree-html:parse-filter-clauses clauses) parses ((filter . bin) …) (where filter is unescaped) into structured lists using fql:parse-filter.

The resulting structured list is converted into a hierarchical tree of the form ((column (bin (operator arg0 arg1 …) …) …) …) using (xfiltertree-html:sort-filter-clauses structured-clauses).

Form Generation

(xfiltertree-html:htmlize node) returns a string containing a htmx-enabled hypermedia HTML form given a xfiltertree:node instance.

xfiltertree:aggregation nodes are transformed into <fieldset> nodes containing checkbox inputs, allowing for selection of aggregation bin. One checkbox input is generated for each bin. The name=… attribute is set to be equivalent to the webstr:escape-ed bin fql filter string, and the value=… attribute is set to the bin specification string.

xfiltertree-html:*form-post* should be bound to the form submission POST endpoint, and defaults to /.

If xfiltertree-html:*form-update* is bound to t (or any true value), xfiltertree-html:htmlize will generate a DOM update payload, where tags may have an additional hx-oob-swap property facilitating htmx-driven updates of bin counts with minimal rerendering.


Defines factories for creating xfiltertree nodes.

(xfiltertree-bom:consume-aggregation-tree consume) is a pull-style function which calls consume without arguments for every required aggregation count.


Uses xfiltertree-bom.

Generates a filter node tree from a sqlite3 database using xfiltertree-bom.

Provides (xfiltertree-sql:query-aggregation-tree hier-clauses) where hier-clauses is a hierarchical clause tree as produced by xfiltertree-html:sort-filter-clauses.

xfiltertree-sql:*db* should be bound to the sqlite3 database file (this defaults to db.sqlite3).


Uses xfiltertree-html, xfiltertree-sql.

Integrates the systems xfiltertree-html, xfiltertree-sql and hunchentoot to provide a filter tree server.

xfiltertree-server:*acceptor* is the hunchentoot acceptor, with all routes defined. By default, it's configured to listen on localhost:8080.

The server may be interactively started with (hunchentoot:start xfiltertree-server:*acceptor*), and stopped with (hunchentoot:stop xfiltertree-server:*acceptor*).