
A Wikimedia Projects Reverse Proxy based on Nginx

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A Wikimedia Projects Reverse Proxy based on Nginx

使用方法 | Instructions for Use

  1. 将文件夹nginx-wikimirrorRelease)下载至本地,并保持目录结构,不要直接克隆仓库
    Download the release of nginx-wikimirror, maintaining the directory structure, and DO NOT clone the repository directly
  2. 将文件夹nginx-wikimirror重命名为wikimirror,并记录此时的绝对路径
    Rename the folder nginx-wikimirror to wikimirror and record the absolute path
  3. 重编译Nginx以添加ngx_http_substitutions_filter_moduleheaders-more-nginx-module
    Rebuild Nginx to add ngx_http_substitutions_filter_module and headers-more-nginx-module

需要你自行修改的位置 | Locations that need to be modified manually

After configuring the SSL certificate, DNS resolution, and Nginx, any files in the top-level directory except for conf and static are no longer needed and can be disposed of at your discretion

  • DNS Name.txt

    Assuming your domain is example.org, your SSL certificate's DNS alternative name should include these domains

  • DNS.zone

    Assuming your domain is example.org and your IP is, your DNS resolution needs to include these records

  • nginx.conf

    Modify L-27 /path/to/wikimirror to your absolute path and complete ..., this is just an Nginx configuration file containing necessary configuration options

The "replace" used in the following text refers to a global search and replace, unless otherwise specified

  • conf/wiki.conf

    Replace example.org with your domain

  • conf/wiki.nginx

    Replace /path/to/wikimirror with your absolute path

    Replace example.org with your domain

    Assuming your domain is test.com, replace example\.org with test\.com. Assuming your domain is test.com.cn, replace example\.org with test\.com\.cn

    Replace /path/to with the path where your SSL certificate files are stored in the following lines: L-33, L-34, L-35, L-75, L-76, L-77

    In L-6~L-11 and L-15~L-20, choose an IP address of a node that is closest to the location of your server or has the fastest access speed from the server, and delete the # at the beginning of the corresponding line

  • conf/wiki-location-api.conf、conf/wiki-location-main.conf、conf/wiki-location-static.conf

    Replace /path/to/wikimirror with your absolute path

  • conf/wiki-location-upload-fix.conf

    Replace example.org with your domain

  • conf/wiki-site-ssl.conf

    Replace /path/to with the path where your SSL certificate files are stored

  • conf/wiki-sub.conf

    Replace example.org with your domain. Note the following line: L-22

    Assuming your domain is test.com, replace example\.org with test\.com. Assuming your domain is test.com.cn, replace example\.org with test\.com\.cn

  • static/wikimirror.js

    Replace example.org with your domain

问答 | Q&A

  • 包括但不限于CDN、DNS、SSL、Nginx其他的配置等“额外的东西”怎么弄?
    How to configure "extra things" such as CDN, DNS, SSL, other Nginx configurations, etc.?

    Don't ask me, ask Google

  • 为什么路径、域名等“可变的东西”不用变量?
    Why not use variables for the "variable things" like path and domain?

    Because Nginx needs to reassign variables for each request it processes, which can affect performance

    • 那怎么一堆include
      Why so many include?

      Because Nginx's include only loads files once before each run, it does not affect performance

  • 支持的浏览器有哪些?
    Supported Browsers

    参见MediaWiki浏览器兼容性表格的Grade A行
    See MediaWiki browser support matrix - Grade A

提示 | Tips

  • MediaWiki有时会响应其特殊的mime-type类型text/x-wiki,如果你使用Brotil或Gzip压缩,可以酌情调整brotli_typesgzip_types配置项
    MediaWiki sometimes responds with its special mime-type text/x-wiki. If you use Brotil or Gzip compression, you can adjust the brotli_types or gzip_types configuration options accordingly
  • TypeScript version of wikimirror.js

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