
☕ Authentication app using native Java language with FirebaseAuth ☕

Primary LanguageJava

📱 Login authentication 📱



About this Project

This project has as its first instance a personal training, for my portfolio. Built in front with some features, using FirebaseAuth for user authentication and FirebaseFirestore for data storage, making the page dynamic and responsive to be accessed from any Android device.


  • The first screen is the login, with validation of the filled fields,
  • Also on the login screen, if the password or email is incorrect, the user will be warned,
  • And finally with the correct password and email the user will be redirected to the profile screen, with a three-second progressbar,
  • On the profile screen there is the user's name and the email in which he registered, data retrieved from Firebase,
  • By clicking on the text of 'Create an account by clicking here' you are redirected to the registration screen, where it is filled with three fields, these fields are also validated if empty,
  • The password must contain at least 6 characters according to validation, otherwise the user will be warned,
  • If the user tries to register an existing account on FirebaseFirestore, the user will be warned,
  • And finally, if the email or password is correct, the user is successfully registered in the database and redirected to the profile screen.

Cloning the Repository
$ git clone https://github.com/Ana204/Login.git


  • JAVA Java is a native android language. Nowadays, Java is the most used language for mobile development