
Lab: Solo Spring Projec- Nandos API

Your task for this afternoon, and most of tomorrow, is to create your own API! The content of the data is up to you, but your database must contain at least two related tables.

You are welcome to discuss and work alongside others, but please use this opportunity to create something of your own work for your GitHub repo.

We will demo a random selection of projects on Thursday, late afternoon.

Please come to your Zoom class at 9am on Thursday as usual, for announcements and timings. Do your best to understand the structure of the code and don't be tempted to blindly copy-paste. If you would like some help, reach out on the classroom Slack channel.


Your API must demonstrate either a One-to-Many or a Many-to-Many relationship Please start by drawing out your database tables and your class diagram Commit often. For a project of this size, we would expect to see 15-20 commits Your controllers should have the minimum of the following routes: INDEX/SHOW/POST/DELETE Test your routes using Postman Create at least 2 derived queries Test your derived queries with unit tests Hook your derived queries up to the appropriate controller Further Reading/Watching

Baeldung: Derived Query Methods in Spring Data JPA Repositories

Thorben Janssen: Derived Queries


Due to time constraints, this project had to be scaled down to feature only a one-many relationship. However, to see how the project would feature both many-many and one-many relationships, please check 'diagrams' in this repository.