
Group server-side project for 20/05/22-26/05/22.

Primary LanguageJava

READ ME (JustListen API):

alt text

Everyone has a podcast these days! With our JustListen API, you can quickly search through audible content based on your favourite guests, presenters and categories - and even find where to listen online!

Who we are:

We are the team behind JustListen - 3 members of Cohort 5 from the Bright Network Technology Academy!

Project Overview:

As part of the Bright Network Technology Academy, we were assigned a group project to research, plan and develop an API within a week. As a group, we wanted to create an API which solved a problem.

Currently, there are loads of podcasts spread across a multitude of platforms which makes it difficult for users to keep track of them! This is where JustListen comes in - a handy API where you can search for podcasts by your favourite presenters, guests and categories! You can also get a random podcast recommendation and users can receive 3 random recommendations for podcasts they have not listened to before!

This API features:

- One-to-Many and Many-to-Many relationships
- Derived queries and customer queries for multiple endpoints
- Full CRUD functionality

Table of Contents:

Setup and Instructions for using the Project:

  1. Make sure that you have Java 18 installed to run JustListen API
  2. Clone this repository by typing the following command into your terminal:
    git clone git@github.com:patrick-merchant/backend-project.git
  3. You can access the endpoints via an API platform such as Postman or through the browser at https://localhost:8080/{endpoint}
  4. You can also view the SQL tables by connecting to the h2 datatbase at https://localhost:8080/h2 and entering the following URL in the 'JDBC URL' section - jdbc:h2:file:./db/just_listen_api

Project Structure:

Unified Modelling Language Diagrams (UML):




Extension UML

Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERD):




Extension ERD

Minimum Viable Product (MVP):

For our MVP, we wanted to create an API with full CRUD functionality.with 3x classes:

  • Podcasts
  • Episodes
  • Contributors


For our extension, we wanted to add a 'shuffle' button method to generate a random podcast suggestion.

We also wanted to expand on this further and challenge ourselves with the following extensions:

  • Add/remove episodes from the users watched list
  • Check if the user has a recommendation
  • Check if the recommendation is on their watched list
  • Give the user 3 recommendations that they have not seen/listend to before

Plain Old Java Objects (POJOs):

This section highlights the POJOS used within the project:


POJO Table

Running the API - List of Possible Commands (CRUD Functionality):

A couple of notes:

  • Each class has full CRUD functionality, and a number of filters.
  • Any filters that could take in Strings do - this allowed us to use derived queries with "ContainingIgnoreCase" to reduce user input error and offer multiple options in e.g. Podcast sources.

localhost:8080/ ...

HTTP Request Path Request Type Description
.../contributors GET Get All Contributor Entries
.../contributors/{id} GET Get Contributor by Id
.../contributors?name={name} GET Get Contributors by name
.../contributors?profession={profession} GET Get Contributors by profession
.../contributors?isPresenter={true/false} GET Get Contributors by whether they are a presenter (or a guest
.../contributors POST Post/Create Contributor
.../contributors/{id} PUT Update Contributor by id
.../contributors/{id} DELETE Delete Contributor by id
.../episodes GET Get All Episode Entries
.../episodes/{id} GET Get Episode By id
.../episodes?name={name} GET Get Episodes by name
.../episodes?description={description} GET Get Episodes by description contains ...
.../episodes?durationLessThan={duration} GET Get Episodes by duration less than ...
.../episodes?contributorName={contributorName} GET Get Episodes by Contributor name
.../episodes POST Post/Create Episode
.../episodes/{id} PUT Update Episode by id
.../episodes/{id} DELETE Delete Episode by id
.../podcasts GET Get All Podcast Entries
.../podcasts/{id} GET Get Podcast by id
.../podcasts?title={title} GET Get Podcasts by title
.../podcasts?description={description} GET Get Podcasts by description contains ...
.../podcasts?category={category} GET Get Podcasts by category ...
.../podcasts?rating={rating} GET Get Podcasts by rating great than ...
.../podcasts?sources={sources} GET Get Podcasts by sources contains ...
.../podcasts POST Post/Create Podcast
.../podcasts/{id} PUT Update Podcast by id
.../podcasts/{id} DELETE Delete Podcast by id
.../users GET Get All User Entries
.../users/{id} GET Get User by id
.../users/{id} PUT Update User by id
.../users/{id} DELETE Delete User by id
.../users/getrec/{userid} GET Give User a podcast recommendation set of 3
.../users/deleterec/{userid}/{podcastid} DELETE Delete a user's podcast recommendation
.../users/replacerec/{userid}/{podcastid} POST Replace a user's podcast recommendation
.../users/addwatched/{userid}/{episodeid} POST Add a watched episode to user's watched list
.../users/deletewatched/{userid}/{episodeid} DELETE Delete a watched episode from user's watched list


The project involved different forms of testing including unit testing and testing via Postman.

Unit testing: This process allowed for the testing of the smallest code in the system that could be logically isolated i.e., the methods and derived queries.

Example of unit testing:

Unit testing:

Unit testing

Postman testing: This application was the HTTP client that tested HTTP requests, using a graphical user interface, through which we obtained different types of responses that needed to be subsequently validated.

Example of Postman testing:


Postman Testing

This process allowed us to evaluate and verify that our justListen API did what it was supposed to do; it prevented bugs and improved performance.

Further Implementations & Extensions:

Here are a few ideas on how we would like to expand on this API:

  • Give users personalised recommendations based on their most watched/listened-to categories
  • Give users the option to filter out recommendations based on their content note
  • Add an admin user who can add/remove a podcast

Thank you for reading this guide!


We would like to thank the Bright Network Technology Academy team and especially our trainers Ana and Richard!