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After Ironhack, you have decided to work in the movie industry and you've found a job where you need to manage the contacts of a famous producer.

We are going to create contact management app with React for this producer.

You can find the starter code in the starter code folder of this Github repo.


  • Upon completion, run the following commands

    git add .
    git commit -m "done"
    git push origin master
  • Navigate to your repo and create a Pull Request


$ cd starter-code
$ npm install
$ npm start


Iteration 1 | Display 5 Contacts

Let's take a look at the starter code.

There is a JSON file with the producer contacts, named contacts.json. Import it and display only the 5 first contacts in a <table> and display the picture, name, and popularity of each contact.

To import it, in the src/index.js, you can simply write:

import contacts from './contacts.json'

At the end of this iteration, your application should look like this:


Iteration 2 | Add New Random Contacts

In your application, create a "Add Random Contact, so that every time you click on this button, it adds a new random actor.

At the end of this iteration, your website will probably look like this:


Iteration 3 | Sort Contacts By Name And Popularity

The producer asked you to add two new buttons to help him sorting his contacts. Create them so that when you click on it, it sorts the table on the name or popularity field.

This is what you may have at the end of this iteration:


Iteration 4 | Remove Contacts

The producer also would like to have the opportunity to remove some of its contacts. Implement a "Delete" button on each row of your <table> that will let the user remove some contacts.

At the end of this iteration, your web page may look like this after playing a little bit with the "Delete" buttons.


Iteration 5 | Bonus | Styling

Unfortunately, this contacts list isn't really production ready. So make it fancy!


Have a look at hints only if you are stuck for several minutes. All the code is encoded in Base64 and can be decoded here: https://www.base64decode.org/

Iteration 1 | Display 5 Contacts

To display the first 5 contacts, first you can set a contacts state that will contain the list of all displayed contacts. Then you will need to loop on the variable this.state.contacts with a specific function


Iteration 2 | Add New Random Contacts

For this iteration, you will need to create a function addRandomContact that will update the state (with the method this.setState). In the following example, we decided to create a AddRandomContactButton component.
