
Contains Jupyter notebooks of tasks done in NLP class

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Contains Jupyter notebooks of tasks done in NLP class

Find links of notebooks along with their descriptions below:

  1. 13-12.ipynb - Doing basic stuff with the Brown and Inaugural corpora.

  2. 19-12.ipynb - Exploring different language versions of the Stopwords corpus, playing around with the Wordnet and CMUDict lexicons, and using the Tweet Tokenizer.

  3. 10-01.ipynb - Working with the Porter Stemmer, Snowball Stemmer, Lancaster Stemmer, RegExp Stemmer and WordNet Lemmatizer

  4. NLP_26_02.ipynb - Using Porter Stemmer on random text, using the WordNet Lemmatizer, viewing the applications of CountVectorizer, TfidfVectorizer and Cosine Similarity and installing the Spacy library

  5. NLP_26_02_and_28_02.ipynb - The same as NLP_26_02.ipynb, in addition to finding cosine similarities for collections of text (texts are collected from 3 National Geographic magazine articles)

  6. CRF.ipynb - Sequence Labeling on a NER (Named Entity Recognition) model using CRF in Python

Note: 6) was run on Google Colab, and won't run on Juptyer notebook or Juypter Lab