This repository is intended as a detailed reference to the ggplot2 R package, and serves as a tutorial for interested learners. You can find Jupyter notebooks covering mostly all aspects of ggplot2 - Layers, Scales, Guides, Facetting, Themes, etc.
Find out more at
Function | Description |
1) geom_abline() | Reference lines: horizontal, vertical and diagonal |
2) geom_bar() | Bar Charts |
3) geom_bin2d() | Heatmap of 2D bin counts |
4) geom_blank() | Draw nothing |
5) geom_boxplot() | A box and whiskers plot (in the style of Tukey) |
6) geom_contour() | 2D contours of a 3D surface |
7) geom_count() | Count overlapping points |
8) geom_density() | Smoothed density estimates |
9) geom_density_2d() | Contours of a 2D density estimate |
10) geom_dotplot() | Dot plot |
11) geom_errorbarh() | Horizontal error bars |
12) geom_hex() | Hexagonal heatmap of 2D bin counts |
13) geom_histogram() | Histograms and frequency polygons |
14) geom_jitter() | Jittered points |
15) geom_errorbar() | Vertical intervals: lines, crossbars & errorbars |
16) geom_map() | Polygons from a reference map |
17) geom_line() | Connect observations |
18) geom_point() | Points |
19) geom_polygon() | Polygons |
20) geom_qq_line() | A quantile - quantile plot |
21) geom_quantile() | Quantile regression |
22) geom_ribbon() | Ribbons and area plots |
23) geom_rug() | Rug plots in the margins |
24) geom_segment() | Line segments and curves |
25) geom_smooth() | Smoothed conditional means |
26) geom_spoke() | Line segments parameterized by location, direction and distance |
27) geom_text() | Text |
28) geom_raster() | Rectangles |
29) geom_violin() | Violin plot |
30) geom_sf() | Visualize sf objects |
Function | Description |
1) stat_ecdf() | Compute empirical cumulative distribution |
2) stat_ellipse() | Compute normal confidence ellipses |
3) stat_function() | Compute function for each x value |
4) stat_identity() | Leave data as is |
5) stat_summary_2d() | Bin and summarize in 2D (rectangles & hexagons) |
6) stat_summary_bin() | Summarize y values at unique / binned x |
7) stat_unique() | Remove duplicates |
8) stat_sf_coordinates() | Extract coordinates from 'sf' objects |
Function | Description |
1) position_dodge() | Dodge overlapping objects side - to - side |
2) position_identity() | Don't adjust position |
3) position_jitter() | Jitter points to avoid overplotting |
4) position_jitterdodge() | Simultaneously dodge and jitter |
5) position_nudge() | Nudge points a fixed distance |
6) position_stack() | Stack overlapping objects on top of each another |