
code for sound event detection transformer (SEDT) and self-supervised pre-training SEDT (SP-SEDT)

Primary LanguagePython

Sound Event Detection Transformer


Prepare your data

  • URBANSED Dataset
    Download URBAN-SED_v2.0.0 dataset, and change $urbansed_dir in config.py to your own URBAN-SED data path. To generate *.tsv file, run

    python ./data_utils/collapse_event.py
  • DCASE2019 Task4 Dataset
    Download the dataset from the website of DCASE, and change $dcase_dir in config.py to your own DCASE data path.

Train models

  • To train model on the dataset of URBANSED, run
    python train_sedt.py
              --gpus $ngpu
              --dataname urbansed
              --batch_size 64
              --fusion_strategy 1 
              --weak_loss_coef 1
              --epochs 400 # total epochs
              --epochs_ls 280 # epochs of learning stage
              --lr_drop 160
              --num_queries 10

Evaluate models

  • For URBAN-SED dataset, download our SEDT(E=3, Eb_F1=38.15), put it in ./exp/urbansed/model/ , then run
    python train_sedt.py --gpus 0 --dataname urbansed --dec_at --fusion_strategy 1 --num_queries 10 --eval --info URBAN-SED

SP-SEDT: Self-supervised Pretraining for SEDT


Prepare your data

  • DCASE2018 Task5 development dataset
    Download the dataset, put the audios in $dcase_dir/audio/train/ and the *.tsv file in $dcase_dir/metadata/train/

Train models

  • To train backbone by audio tagging task, run
    python train_at.py --dataname dcase --gpu $ngpu --pooling max

You can also download our backbone, and put it in ./exp/dcase/model/

  • To pretrain SEDT on a single node with $N gpus, run
    python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=$N train_spsedt.py  
                --gpus $ngpu 
                --dataname dcase
                --batch_size 200
                --num_patches 10 
                --num_queries 20
                --enc_layers 6 
                --epochs 160 
                --pretrain "backbone" # file name of the backbone model 
                --checkpoint_epochs 20

You can also download our models pretrained with or without dcase2018 task5 data, and put it in ./exp/dcase/model/

  • To fine-tune SEDT, run
    python train_sedt.py 
              --gpus $ngpu 
              --dataname dcase 
              --batch_size 32 
              --n_weak 16 
              --num_queries 20
              --enc_layers 6 
              --fusion_strategy 1 
              --epochs 300 
              --pretrain "Pretrained_SP_SEDT" 
              --weak_loss_coef 0.25

Evaluate models

Download our SP-SEDT(E=6, Eb_F1=39.03), put it in ./exp/dcase/model/ , then run

python train_sedt.py 
          --gpus $ngpu 
          --dataname dcase
          --num_queries 20 
          --enc_layers 6 
          --fusion_strategy 1 
          --info SP_SEDT

DCASE challenge system

A SP-SEDT-based system is constructed with mixup, frequency mask, frequency shift and time mask as data augmentation methods, and hybrid pseudo-labelling/mean-teacher as semi-supervised learning method where a teacher model is updated from the student model online using exponential moving average strategy and used to generate hard pseudo labels for unlabeled data.

Train models

  • To prepare a teahcer model with weak and synthetic subsets, download SP-SEDT(E=6) pretrained with only dcase2019 unlabel subset, put it in ./exp/dcase/model/, then run
python train_sedt.py 
          --gpus $ngpu 
          --dataname dcase
          --batch_size 64 
          --n_weak 32 
          --num_queries 20
          --enc_layers 6 
          --fusion_strategy 1 
          --epochs 400 
          --pretrain "Pretrained_SP_SEDT_unlabel" 
          --weak_loss_coef 0.25 
          --mix_up_ratio 0.6

You can also download our teacher model (EB_F1=40.88), put it in ./exp/dcase/model/

  • To semi-supervised train SEDT with additional unlabel subset, run
python train_ss_sedt.py 
            --gpus $ngpu
            --dataname dcase
            --num_queries 20
            --enc_layers 6
            --fusion_strategy 1
            --epochs 400
            --teacher_model "teacher_model_40.88" # file name of the teacher model 
            --weak_loss_coef 0.25
            --mix_up_ratio 0.6

Evaluate models

Download our SP-SEDT(E=6, Eb_F1=51.75), put it in ./exp/dcase/model/ , then run

python train_ss_sedt.py 
          --gpus $ngpu 
          --dataname dcase
          --num_queries 20 
          --enc_layers 6 
          --fusion_strategy 1 
          --info SP-SEDT-system

Related papers

  title={Sound Event Detection Transformer: An Event-based End-to-End Model for Sound Event Detection},
  author={ Ye, Zhirong  and  Wang, Xiangdong  and  Liu, Hong  and  Qian, Yueliang  and  Tao, Rui  and  Yan, Long  and  Ouchi, Kazushige },
  title={SP-SEDT: Self-supervised Pre-training for Sound Event Detection Transformer},
  author={ Ye, Z.  and  Wang, X.  and  Liu, H.  and  Qian, Y.  and  Tao, R.  and  Yan, L.  and  Ouchi, K. },
  journal={arXiv e-prints},