
Drupal QuoteDown module - Support for PageDown editor and Markdown filter

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


This Drupal module brings content and comment editing features:

  • Brings a MarkDown text filter: the existing Markdown module uses an outdated PHP library; This module uses the same but up-to-date;

  • Brings the PageDown editor (StackOverflow's Markdown editor) as a field formatter and a single form element;

  • Adds a quotation feature for comments and forums; Fully JavaScript driven it cleans up any text and paste it into the currently active editor as a well formed Markdown blockquote;

  • Brings jQuery.autosize plugin for textarea elements autosizing depending on content: this plugin is not supposed to work with jQuery <= 1.7 but this modules also brings a jQuery compat layer for older version to make it work;


For users

Enable the module and configure your fields with the PageDown editor field formatter. That should be enough.

This filter format can be changed manually; Just avoid to remove the Markdown filter or it won't work as expected anymore.

It is very important to understand that by definition Markdown allow users to plug fullon HTML into their Markdown content, and won't filter it: that's why the qmarkdown pre-configured filter format is provided with this module and forced to be the default whenever a textarea is being altered.

For developers and integrators

Working with textarea element type

  • The various behaviors on textareas will be automatically intialized for the textarea with the magitext CSS class. This CSS class is added by the textarea element process handler, and is present per default.

  • Any textarea with the default CSS class will be auto-focused on page load (if more than one have the CSS class default focused one is not predictable).

  • Add #pagedown property and set it to true will add the PageDown editor on the textarea (default is set to false).

  • Add #magitext property and set to false will disable the magitext jQuery behavior (default is set to true).

Since the module alters the definition of the textarea element this applies to all textareas Drupal will spawn.

Working with text_format element type

All the rules for the textarea element type are true for the text_format element type. Plus:

  • Per default they will inherit from textarea type defaults explained in the previous paragraph.

  • Per default when you add the #pagedown property the element is altered to use the qmarkdown input filter (forced pragmatically) and format choice is being hidden.

  • Change the value of the #forceformat key to false will disable the default filter format alteration explained upper; Use this only if you want to build your own filter format or another Mardown parser. Any other user should not mess with this.

  • Change the value of the #forceformat key to any known filter format identifier will reproduce the default behavior using this filter format. Same notice applies as the previous entry, non advanced users should not change this behavior.

Working with quotation

For the quotation feature, you have to respect a certain amount of pre-requisites:

  • Any quote link must have the rel attribute carrying the element id it refers too (the one which contains the content to quote). It worthes to note that the content can be complex and structured HTML content, all tags will be stripped from the quotation but whitespaces and line breaks will be kept;

  • The target element (the on referred in the rel attribute) may carry a title attribute: it will be used as quote header in the pasted text;

  • Apply the class magiquote to those links and it will be automatically initialized on page load and work gracefully with any initialized textarea on the same page.

Please see quotedown_comment_view_alter() implementation for a complete and working usage.


I am not really sure if this will work gracefully on every browser; Nevertheless jQuery.autosize I'm quite sure it will thanks to jQuery. Considering that the PageDown editor is used on the biggest IT Q&A site on earth and that it has been developped and maintained by one of the best team of IT guys out there for the last few years, I'm quite sure it will work pretty much everywhere.


This module can leverage the autoloader module for loading the markdown library. That's prety much the only dependency (and it is a soft dependency).


No future plans except adding minor editor features or updating the libraries it uses.