
  1. Create a folder called learn_git.
    mkdir learn_git
  2. Change directory into the learn_git folder:
    cd learn_git
  3. Create a file called third.txt:
    touch third.txt
  4. Initialize an empty git repository:
    git init
  5. Add third.txt to the staging area:
    git add third.txt
  6. Commit with the message "adding third.txt":
    git commit -m "adding third.txt"
  7. Check out your commit with git log:
    git log
  8. Create another file called fourth.txt:
    touch fourth.txt
  9. Add fourth.txt to the staging area:
    git add fourth.txt
  10. Commit with the message "adding fourth.txt":
    git commit -m "adding fourth.txt"
  11. Remove the third.txt file:
    rm third.txt
  12. Add this change to the staging area:
    git add .
  13. Commit with the message "removing third.txt":
    git commit -m "removing third.txt"
  14. Check out your commits using git log:
    git log
  15. Change your global settings to core.pager=cat:
    git config --global core.pager cat
  16. Write the appropriate command to list all the global configurations for git on your machine:
    git config --global --list
    You can type git config --global to find out how to do this.