HOWTO: interact with files using minio with docker and docker-compose

par Thomas Ragot 2018-02-22


have docker and docker-compose installed on your computer or server

Run the demo

Step - prepare env file

  • make a copy name .env of the .env.example file.

  • fill the MINIO_DATA_ROOT_DIR variable with the absolute path to the wanted root folder for the data

  • choose some access and secret key and fill MINIO_ACCESS_KEY and MINIO_SECRET_KEY

Step - run containers.

at the root of the directory, run : docker-compose up -d

Step - check everything is correct and give it a try

  • MINIO_DATA_ROOT_DIR dir should be filled a dir test-bucket containing a file myfile.txt
  • by using the web interface (http://localhost:9000 if you runned the containers on your computer) you should be able to add buckets and file and have it persisted in MINIO_DATA_ROOT_DIR

remove the containers (but not the data)

at the root of the directory, run : docker-compose down