Today food supply chains are conventionally opaque, preventing the consummers to pursue their environmental, social and health values. Smiling Gecko aims at giving people back control over the whole food chain lifecyle. A user can invest into products at a local farm, and support the farmer in having a better environment impact, social impact and personal health. Blockchain technology, combined with IoT data and Machine Learning, is the assurance of a transparent good lifecycle from farm to fork.
More than an investement, a real trust relationship is establised between the different actors. The investor can get information at any moment about the state of his order, and can also know more about the farmer and get real-time analytics of the crops thanks to the IoT devices of the connected farms.
- The URL to your working application
- The URL toyour public github repository
- Short description about your applicationand:
login as user:
use password: WeWillRockYou2019
Fill in the initial details of your investment. Make sure to use ONLY number for the date (eg. 20180622) and select the same sbhack identity for the different roles as shown in the picture.
Save the contract. You will see that a new Ethereum (Quorum) contract gets instantiated in the DLT. As soon as the the transaction is validated by the nodes, you can select the new contract.
Based on the scneario described in the video, which accompany this readme, click on "Take action" to go though the whole use case.
- The URL to the interface:
- How to connect
Password: Smilinggecko@Trustsquare