Backend services, business logic, persistence and authentication for AIALA
AIALA backend constist of two separate web applications.
Backend and is responsible to provide all RESTful api services, business logic and persistence.
Token server is responsible for authentication and issuing tokens to use against backend. Therefore IdentityServer4 will be used.
Both AIALA backend projects are build against ASP.NET Core 2.1 and are using several 3rd party libraries and components.
- Install the required .NET Core SDK
- Ensure NuGet is installed and configured
- Connect to xappido Portal package feed (ask for access and license)
dotnet restore
dotnet build
dotnet run
Configure package feeds (especially xappido Portal package feed) either globally or locally within aiala.backend.
Add xappido feed globally by using nuget cli
and authorize by using credential provider
nuget sources Add -Name "xappido" -Source
If your prefer configure feed locally, use Visual Studios' NuGet Package Manager or add a nuget.config file to your project, in the same folder as .sln file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<clear />
<add key="xappido" value="" />
All required options for backend and as well for token server are within their project located on file appsettings.json
While development time it's recommended to use Secret Manager to store sensitive data within secrets.json
Configure both projects backend and token server as startup projects and run those. Launch options are stored on properties/launchSettings.json
and are defined as default to:
- Backend > http://localhost:5500
- Token Server > http://localhost:5500
See mentioned documentation for any further information. If you like to use AIALA within your organisation feel free and get in touch with AIALA Project Team.
Backend API documentation will be genereated at runtime and is available at http://localhost:5500/api/docs.