
The beginning of open source

Say hello to the open pollution revolution!

Attached are the language files for OpenLitterMap.

Feel welcome to clone and add in your language in its respective subdirectory so we can translate OpenLitterMap into many languages and enable a global community of open pollution revolutionaries. Yay science!

As you can see from, language files are already done in English, French, Spanish, Turkish & Malay. These do not need to be duplicated. Also, it might be worth checking on twitter to see if anyone is already working on your language? Check with our growing community @ #openlittermap

Soon we will go completely open source, I just need to get a handle on a few things first.

If you like my work, or maybe you think what I'm doing is important, please support so we can do this sooner rather than later?

Licence: Dowhateverthehellyouwant Licence.