Securing Your Software Supply Chain Workshop

Welcome to the Software Supply Chain Workshop, focused on enhancing your skills in securing the software supply chain using open source tools. In this hands-on workshop, participants will engage in practical exercises designed to simulate real-world scenarios involving breached systems, vulnerabilities, and their corresponding solutions. Through these exercises, you'll learn how to identify, mitigate, and defend against security threats within the software supply chain.


  • Fork the repository into your Organization
  • On your Forked Repository Go to "Settings" Tab
  • Go to Pages and in the "Source" field choose "Github actions"
  • Go to "Actions" Tab and click "I understand my workflows, go ahead and enable them"
  • Go to "Deploy Page", click on "Run Workflow" and choose from "main" branch
  • Go to your Organization settings and choose Action->General
  • Under Workflow choose Allow GitHub Actions to create and approve pull requests
  • Wait 2 min for the Action Run to be completed
  • Go to the link under the deploy step, or directly to this address https://<USER><REPOSITORY>
  • Make sure "you have been pwned"

Phase 1: Secrets Exposed


In this phase, we'll explore a scenario where a secret of a stale collaborator has been exposed within the repository, similar to the Toyota data breach incident mentioned in this article. Your task is to identify and address this security breach.


  1. Find and Revoke Secrets
    • Create a new pipeline named 01.01 - Exposed Credential.yml under .github\workflows that scan the repository to locate exposed secrets with Trivy Action
name: 01.01 - Detect Exposed Credential

    name: Secret Scanner
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      IMAGE_NAME: ${{ github.repository }}
    - name: Checkout code
      uses: actions/checkout@v3
    - name: Run secret scanner
      uses: aquasecurity/trivy-action@master
        scan-type: "fs"
        format: 'table'
        exit-code: '0'
        scanners: 'secret'
  • Run the new workflow and find the credential within the workflow logs
  1. Implement Secret Scanner
    • Configure this workflow to run on every PR Creation based main branch by changing the on field to:
         branches: ["main"]
  • Configure the scanner to fail the build if any secrets are detected by changine the exit-code to 1
  1. Strengthen Main Branch Protection

    • Configure branch protection to enforce and block secrets on every merge request to main branch
  2. Remove Compromised Secret

    • Make necessary changes to remove the compromised secret from the main branch.

Phase 2: Compromised CI/CD


In this phase, we'll delve into a scenario where an attacker leverage the exposed credential to manipulates an existing build pipeline to introduce malicious changes to the release. Your objective is to detect and remediate this compromise.


  1. Implement Tracee in CI/CD

    • Integrate Tracee into the deploy-gh-pages.yml workflow to detect malicious activities.
      • create a new branch
      • add start tracee step after the Checkout step name
       - name: Start Tracee profiling in background
         uses: aquasecurity/tracee-action@b5ad0734366c98eca9f76bd7a9d27368f837e1e7
    • add stop after the Upload artifact step name, and allow pr creation when there is profile updates
       - name: Stop and Check Tracee results and create a PR
         uses: aquasecurity/tracee-action@ce4a8e48ea62953976e7e10fcd83344bb85d132a
           create-pr: "true"
           fail-on-diff: "false"
    • Add permission to PR creation by adding pull-requests: write under permission:
      contents: write
      pages: write
      id-token: write
      pull-requests: write
    • push chances to branch & create the PR
  2. Identify and Fix Malicious Payload

    • Analyze the PR commnets to identify the introduced malicious payload.
    • Analyze the profiles in the new Updates to tracee profile PR
    • Fix the malicious parts
    • Analyze profiles files again to verify the malicious payloads removed
    • Merge both PRs
  3. Analyze The Malicous Source

    • Investigate the source of the miner payload, and find the malicous commit in the dependency repository
  4. Enforce Signed Commits

    • Restrict the acceptance of commits to the main branch to only those signed with approved keys.
  5. Bonus - Poison Dependency

    • Create a new Github Action with legit content
    • Publish it
    • Add it into your deploy-gh-pages.yml with the Action Tag
    • Review the PR comments and the profile updates & merge
    • In your brand new github action Add a new command that creating new files\override exsiting ones
    • Push it into the exsiting version
    • In your workshop repository create any new change and Open PR
    • Make sure you see the both PR comments with signiture and Profile deviation updates

Phase 3: Critical Vulnerability Emerged


In this phase, we'll delve into a scenario where an emerging critical vulnrability published and we are in a rush to identify where it used and mitigate the risk.


  1. Scan Dependency Vulnerability
    • Add a new workflow with vulnerablity scanner for you code dependencies:
name: 03.01 - Run Vulnrabilities Scanning
      - main
  security-events: write
    name: Vulnerabilities-Scanner
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - name: Checkout code
      uses: actions/checkout@v3
    - name: Run vulnerabilities scanner
      uses: aquasecurity/trivy-action@master
        scan-type: "fs"
        format: 'sarif'
        ignore-unfixed: true
        scanners: 'vuln'
        exit-code: '0'
        severity: 'CRITICAL,HIGH,MEDIUM'
        output: 'trivy-results.sarif'
  1. Upload results to Security Tab
    • At the bottom & after the scanning part add a new step to upload Trivy results to Security Tab
    - name: Upload Trivy scan results to GitHub Security tab
      uses: github/codeql-action/upload-sarif@v2
        sarif_file: 'trivy-results.sarif'
        category: Trivy
  • Merge create PR and merge into main branch
  1. Check Security Tab
    • Make sure you see new record in Security Tab, review the Vulnerability
  2. Vulnerability Checks for PRs
    • Duplicate the previus workflow
    • Change trigger to be on Pr creation
      - main
  • Change the build->name field so you can specify it later in the branch protection rules
  • Remove permissions
  • Change format field to table
  • Remove output field
  • Change exit-code: '1'
  • Remove Upload action step
  • Add to the branch protection enforcment for vulnerability scanner with the new name
  1. Fix Vulnrable Dependency
    • Fix vulnerable dependencies in package.json and don't forget to update package-lock.json by npm i --package-lock inside my-app directory
  2. Bonus - Add a cron job trigger that will run the vulnerability scanner every night - Bonus
  3. Enfore Code Reviews
    • Add to the branch protection rule on the main branch, request to review and approve by other contributors before changes are merged.