
Repository for godspeed core plugins.

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Godspeed Plug-in 🔗

Godspeed Plugins are the way to extend the core godspeed framework. Currently we support adding Event Source and Data Source as plugin.

A brief description of how we write new plug-in in godspeed framework.

Steps to create new plug-in in our godspeed framework:

  1. Begin by understanding the folder structure.

    ├── src
        ├── datasources
        │   ├── types
        │   |    └── plugin.ts
        |   |
        │   └── plugin.yaml
        ├── events
        |   |
        │   └── helloworld.yaml
        ├── eventsources
        │   ├── types
        │   |    └── plugin.ts
        |   |
        │   └── plugin.yaml
        └── functions
            └── helloworld.yaml

Plugin as Datasource :

Data Source :

Any kind of entity which provides read and write mechanism for data is considered a datasource. For example, an API, a SQL or NoSQL datastore which includes RDBMS or mongodb,postgresql, key value stores, document stores etc. The settings for each datasource lies in src/datasources directory.

  1. Inside the datasources directory, create a YAML file with a specific name. In this YAML file, ensure you specify a type field, and there must be a corresponding TypeScript file in the types directory that shares the same name as the type you defined.

  2. Look for the npm package you wish to integrate with Godspeed framework.

  3. In your TypeScript file, use an import statement to bring in GSDataSource from the @godspeedsystems/core package. Then, create a class that inherits from GSDataSource.

  4. Afterward, you can access the methods provided by GSDataSource. Initialize your client by calling the initClient() function.

  5. Once your client is initialized, you can execute its methods using the execute function.

let's use the 'axios-as-datasource' plugin as an example :

axios config ( src/datasources/axios.yaml )

type: axios
base_url: http://localhost:5440

initializing client and execution ( src/datasources/types/axios.ts ) :

import { GSContext, GSDataSource, GSStatus, PlainObject } from "@godspeedsystems/core";

class DataSource extends GSDataSource {
  protected async initClient(): Promise<object> {
     // initialize client here

  async execute(ctx: GSContext, args: PlainObject): Promise<any> {

     // Execute methods here

Example Event ( src/events/axios_event.yaml ) :

  fn:axios_workflow :
    type: object

Example workflow ( src/functions/axios_workflow.yaml ) :

id: helloworld
  id: fist_task
    fn: datasource.axios./helloworld

Plugin as Eventsource :

Event Source :

An event source is any entity or technology responsible for generating events or notifications when specific events or conditions occur. These events are consumed by event handlers or processors for real-time or near-real-time responses. Event sources can include Message Brokers, Webhooks etc.The settings for each datasource lies in src/eventsources directory.

  1. Inside the eventsources directory, create a YAML file with a specific name. In this YAML file, ensure you specify a type field, and there must be a corresponding TypeScript file in the types directory that shares the same name as the type you defined.

  2. Look for the npm package you wish to integrate with Godspeed framework.

  3. In your TypeScript file, use an import statement to bring in GSEventSource from the @godspeedsystems/core package. Then, create a class that inherits from GSEventSource.

  4. Afterward, you can access the methods provided by GSEventSource. Initialize your client by calling the initClient() function.

  5. Once your client is initialized, you can execute its subscription using the subscribeToEvent function.

let's use the 'cron-as-eventsource' plugin as an example :

cron config ( src/eventsources/cron.yaml )

type: cron

initializing client and execution ( src/eventsources/types/cron.ts ) :

import {GSEventSource, GSCloudEvent, GSStatus, GSActor,PlainObject } from "@godspeedsystems/core";
import cron from "node-cron";

export default class EventSource extends GSEventSource {
  protected initClient(): Promise<PlainObject> {
    // initialize client here
  subscribeToEvent( eventKey: string,eventConfig: PlainObject, processEvent: (event: GSCloudEvent, eventConfig: PlainObject) => Promise<GSStatus> ): Promise<void> {
    // write subscribe method here

cron event ( src/events/every_minute_task.yaml )

# event for Shedule a task for evrey minute.

cron.* * * * *.Asia/Kolkata:
  fn: every_minute

For cron expressions https://crontab.cronhub.io/

cron workflow to schedule ( src/functions/every_minute.yaml )

summary: this workflow will be running every minute
  - id: print
    description: print for every minute
    fn: com.gs.return
      data: HELLO from CRON

Plugin as DatasourceAsEventsource :

Datasource As EventSource :

Any kind of entity which provides read and write mechanism for data and acts as an entity responsible for generating events or notifications when specific events or conditions occur. These events are consumed by event handlers.

  1. Look for the npm package you wish to integrate with Godspeed framework.

  2. Inside the DataSources directory, create a YAML file with a specific name. In this YAML file, ensure you specify a type field, and there must be a corresponding TypeScript file in the types directory that shares the same name as the type you defined.

  3. In your TypeScript file, use an import statement to bring in GSDataSource from the @godspeedsystems/core package. Then, create a class that inherits from GSDataSource.

  4. Afterward, you can access the methods provided by GSDataSource. Initialize your client by calling the initClient() function.

  5. Once your client is initialized, you can execute its methods using the execute function.

let's use the 'kafka-datasource-as-eventsource' plugin as an example :

kafka config ( src/datasources/kafka.yaml )

type: Kafka
clientId: "kafka_proj"
brokers: ["kafka:9092"]

initializing client and execution ( src/datasources/types/Kafka.ts ) :

import { GSContext, GSDataSource, PlainObject } from "@godspeedsystems/core";
import { Kafka } from "kafkajs"; // importing required npm module.

export default class DataSource extends GSDataSource {
  protected async initClient(): Promise<PlainObject> {
    // initialize your client.

  async execute(ctx: GSContext, args: PlainObject): Promise<any> {
    try {
      // execute methods here
    } catch (error) {
      throw error;

Example Event ( src/events/kafka_publish_event.yaml ) :

  fn: kafka-publish
          type: object
              type: string
          required: ['message']
            type: object
                type: string

Function Example ( src/functions/kafka-publish.yaml ) :

id: kafka-publish
summary: kafka publish message
    - id: publish
      fn: datasource.kafka.producer
        topic: "publish-producer1"
        message: <% inputs.body.message%>
  1. Inside the eventsources directory, create a YAML file with a specific name. In this YAML file, ensure you specify a type field, and there must be a corresponding TypeScript file in the types directory that shares the same name as the type you defined.

  2. In your TypeScript file, use an import statement to bring in GSEventSource from the @godspeedsystems/core package. Then, create a class that inherits from GSEventSource.

  3. Your client is initialized already in Datasource so you can execute its subscription using the subscribeToEvent function.

kafka config ( src/eventsources/kafka.yaml )

type: kafka
groupId: "kafka_proj"

subscribeToEvent ( src/eventsources/types/Kafka.ts ) :

import { GSCloudEvent, GSStatus, GSActor, GSDataSourceAsEventSource, PlainObject} from "@godspeedsystems/core";

export default class DataSourceAsEventSource extends GSDataSourceAsEventSource { async subscribeToEvent(eventKey: string,  eventConfig: PlainObject, processEvent: (event: GSCloudEvent,  eventConfig: PlainObject) => Promise<GSStatus>): Promise<void> {

// Write your Subscribe method here.


Example Event for consume ( src/events/kafka_consumer_event.yaml ) :

  id: kafka__consumer
  fn: kafka_consume
    description: The body of the query
          type: string

Example workflow for consumer ( src/functions/kafka-consume.yaml ) :

id: kafka-conumer
summary: consumer
    - id: set_con
      fn: com.gs.return
      args: <% inputs %>

List of Plugins

No Plugin Name Type npm package link Documentation Maintained by
1 Express Eventsource npm readme Godspeed
2 Prisma Datasource npm readme Godspeed
3 Apache Kafka DS & ES npm readme Godspeed
4 CRON Eventsource Eventsource npm readme Godspeed
5 MongoDB
6 Cassandra
7 Redis
8 Elasticsearch
9 Splunk
10 MySQL
11 RabbitMQ
12 Amazon S3
13 Salesforce
14 HubSpot
15 MailChimp
16 Microsoft Access
17 SQLite
18 DB2 (IBM Database)
19 Neo4j
20 CockroachDB
21 MariaDB
22 Google Cloud Pub/Sub
23 RabbitMQ
24 GraphQL
25 gRPC
26 JMeter
27 JIRA Software
28 Jenkins
29 GitLab CI/CD
30 Azure DevOps
31 Heroku
32 Vercel
33 Netlify
34 PostgreSQL