Easily generate industry-standard podcast RSS feeds.
require "podcast_feed_generator"
json = JSON.parse(File.open("feed.json").read) # A JSON file containing all of your podcast's info
rss_feed = PodcastFeedGenerator::Generator.new.generate json
$ gem install podcast_feed_generator
Or add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'podcast_feed_generator'
$ cd PodcastFeedGenerator/
$ gem build podcast_feed_generator.gemspec
$ gem install podcast_feed_generator
has exactly one public method: generate
, which expects a Ruby hash with the following shape:
"podcast": {
"title": "Podcast Title",
"description": "Podcast Description",
"link": "link/to/show",
"author": "Podcast author",
"ownerName": "Podcast owner",
"ownerEmail": "podcast@email.io",
"podcastArtworkUrl": "link/to/feedImage",
"categories": [ // Add up to three of the official iTunes categories: https://castos.com/itunes-podcast-category-list/
"Category 1",
"Category 2",
"Category 3"
// Optional
"lastBuildDate": "2019-06-23", // Defaults to current date
"generator": "PodcastFeedGenerator gem", // Defaults to "PodcastFeedGenerator"
"subtitle": "Podcast subtitle", // Defaults to value of `description`
"summary": "Podcast summary", // Defaults to value of `description`
"explicit": "no", // Can be one of `yes` | `no` | `explicit`. Defaults to "no"
"language": "en-US", // Defaults to `en-US`
"podcastType": "Episodic", // `Episodic` or `Serial`. `Episodic` causes iTunes to list newest first; `Serial`, oldest first
"copyright": "(c) Podcast Copyright Notice" // Empty by default
"episodes": [
"title": "Episode Title",
"pubDate": "2019-05-01",
"link": "link/to/episode",
"description": "Episode description",
"mediaFileUrl": "https://my-site.io/podcast/1",
"duration": "00:33:12",
"mediaFileSizeBytes": "34540230",
// Optional
"author": "Episode Author", // Defaults to the `author` field above
"creator": "Episode Creator", // Defaults to the `author` field above
"subtitle": "Episode subtitle", // Defaults to the episode `description`
"summary": "Episode summary", // Defaults to the episode `description`
"explicit": "no", // Can be one of `yes` | `no` | `explicit`. Defaults to "no"
"episodeArtUrl": "path/to/episodeImage", // Defaults to the podcast artwork url
"itunesTitle": "Episode iTunes title", // Special title to show in iTunes. Defaults to episode `title`
"episodeNumber": "42", // Automatically generated if not specified.
"seasonNumber": "2", // Defaults to ""
"episodeType": "Full", // `full` | `trailer` | `bonus`. Defaults to `Full`. See the documentation for <itunes:episodeType> on https://help.apple.com/itc/podcasts_connect/#/itcb54353390
"mediaMimeType": "audio/mpeg", // Any media mime type. Defaults to "audio/mpeg"
"mediaIsDefault": "true", // Defaults to true
"medium": "audio" // `audio` | `video`. Defaults to `audio`
"htmlDescription": "<div></div>", // Defaults to the episode `description`
"guid": "my.site/episodes/hjhkhl7829hs986", // Defaults to a 32-character random string. Can alternatvely be a URL.
"guidIsPermalink": "false", // `false` by default. Set to `true` if your `guid` is a permalink url
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/AnalyzePlatypus/podcast_feed_generator.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.