
A crawler for entity names, especially for places names, in Shanghai. You can use this data for NER.

Primary LanguagePython

NER Crawler

Use selenium to automatically crawl, data source local life

Data Format

-Category: A total of 14 categories, "Resorts/Resorts", "Cultural Centers/Activities Center", "Night Clubs/Entertainment Centers", "Leisure Plazas", "Shopping Centers", "Electrical Appliances Malls", "Supermarkets" ", "Community", "Villa", "Office Building", "Road Name", "District County", "Business Circle", "Town" -Data content: contains the specific location name (name) and specific address (address)

hanlp named entity recognition module

-api call location: hanlpAPI.py Reference website: https://www.hanlp.com/product.html -github code location: hanlp.py Reference website: https://github.com/hankcs/HanLP

File description

1. Crawler code


2.hanlp's crawling data recognition effect
