This repository contains an API to access my favorite open source projects built by me.
Project | Language | Stars |
#1 upptime | Markdown | 14523 |
#2 uppload | TypeScript | 1813 |
#3 calendar-link | TypeScript | 316 |
#4 redirect-russia | HTML | 103 |
#5 hovercard | TypeScript | 87 |
#6 hello-bar | JavaScript | 71 |
#7 bookshelf-action | TypeScript | 65 |
#8 language-icons | TypeScript | 58 |
#9 remix-starter | TypeScript | 55 |
#10 docs-markdown | TypeScript | 43 |
#11 update-template | TypeScript | 33 |
#12 auto-i18n | TypeScript | 25 |
#13 | Vue | 20 |
#14 calendar-slots | TypeScript | 16 |
#15 gitwriter | Vue | 14 |
#16 fraud | TypeScript | 13 |
#17 scrub | TypeScript | 11 |
#18 archiver | TypeScript | 11 |
#19 puppet | TypeScript | 9 |
#20 feeedback | TypeScript | 8 |
#21 birthday-reminders-action | JavaScript | 8 |
#22 twt | TypeScript | 7 |
#23 | TypeScript | 7 |
#24 changebar | TypeScript | 6 |
#25 NewsHaikusBot | TypeScript | 4 |
#26 carpent | TypeScript | 3 |
#27 essential.css | HTML | 3 |
#28 analytics-icons | TypeScript | 3 |
#29 node.ts | TypeScript | 2 |
#30 precis | HTML | 1 |
#31 aptitude | CSS | 1 |
#32 one-grid | HTML | 1 |
My ✨ Featured projects list on GitHub is the source of truth for these open source projects. To add new projects to this list, I simply star them and select the "Featured projects" list.
However, since GitHub doesn't have a Stars Lists API (yet!), I wrote a quick script update-data.mjs
that parses the HTML page containing this information, and a GitHub Actions workflow runs every few days to make sure this repository is up to date.