Build a ROM for your Device!

If you already have these:

  • A linux Environment (Recommended : Ubuntu 20.04 LTS)
  • A decent Internet Connection (Better if it's a 1Mb/S plan at the least). Because ROM sources could be 16 GB approx. even when shallow cloned.
  • CPU: 4 core 8 thread is the bare minimum or else it takes an eternity to build
  • RAM: 16 GB Minimum (+ ZRAM + SWAP optional and it is better to have more than 16 Gigs of RAM afterall)
  • Storage: SSD is better and it will build if you have HDD too.. 250GB is a decent amount of space
  • Some Linux knowledge and Basic ideas about Git.
  • You need to have the TREES.. ( Device Tree , Kernel Tree {Or use a prebuilt one - not recommended} , Vendor Tree {And A Common Tree if available})
  • A GitHub Account or a GitLab account! (Preferably with the trees forked/imported)

*Yaay! You're ready to build


  1. Set Up a Build Environment
  2. Downloading a ROM Source
  3. Know your Device sources aka Tree
  4. Basic Bringup and Sync device source
  5. Lets build it!
  6. Upload to SourceForge