- Read the entire question carefully for at least 15 mins, understand it and then code it.
- Don’t jump directly into the code.
- Commit your code every hour with a proper commit message to your repository (we will monitor every commit)
- Use HTML,CSS and JS for the frontend.
- Use Node, Express, Mongo (NEM) for backend.
- The task is to build a full stack online classifieds app like olx.com which allows users to list ads for products and other users can buy it.
- Your app should have the following pages
- Signup & Login
- Post Classifieds
- Browse Classifieds
This route should have a login and register form, which the user should be able to toggle between login and register, and the corresponding form should be shown.
Toggling Signup and Login Form
This user should be prompted by a signup form, where the user will enter the following credentials
- Password
- Confirm Password
On form submit store this credential in your backend using the API “/signup”.
Follow all the coding standards, hash the password using any encrypting library such as “bcrypt” or “argon2” before storing in database.
This user should be prompted by a login form, where the user will enter the following credentials
- Password
On form submit, match the entered credentials with the data stored in your backend (Verify both email and password) using the backend API “/login”
On successful validation alert “Login Successful”, generate a token for the user using jsonwebtoken (store the token in localStorage) and redirect the user to Post Classifieds Route.
On entering wrong credential, alert “Invalid Credentials” and re-prompt the user to enter valid credentials.
The user should be prompted by a form with the following details
- Name
- Description
- Category (Clothing, Electronics, Furniture, Other)
- Image URL
- Location
- Date
- Price
On form submit, store data in backend server.
Sample Ad Model
[ { "name": "Nike Air", "description" : "Almost brand new, rarely used", "category" : "clothing", "image" : "https://static.nike.com/a/images/t_PDP_1280_v1/f_auto,q_auto:eco/7fbc5e94-8d49-4730-a280-f19d3cfad0b0/custom-nike-air-max-90-by-you.png", "location" : "india", "postedAt" : "2023-02-01", "price" : "7999" }, { "name": "PlayStation 5", "description" : "Brand new PS5 digital edition, with extra dualshock", "category" : "electronics", "image" : "https://5.imimg.com/data5/SELLER/Default/2022/6/TQ/TK/HJ/154727183/ps5-disc-edition-500x500.jpg", "location" : "india", "postedAt" : "2023-02-01", "price" : "25999" } ]
- Fetch all the classified posted from the backend server and list them in the form of cards.
- The UI should look like
UI Reference Image
- Your app should have the following functionalities and should be implemented using backend.
- Filter by Category (Clothing, Electronics, Furniture, Other)
- Sort by date (based on the posted date)
- Search by product name
- Pagination (4 Cards per page)
- Each card should have a “Edit” and “Delete” button appended to it.
- When the user clicks on "Edit", they should be able to modify the details of the ad. (All fields should be editable)
- By clicking on "Delete", the user should have the ability to remove the specific ad listing from both the user interface and the backend.
- Create all relevant APIs for CRUD operations.
- Filter, Sort, Search and Pagination should be done through API. (Doing this manually through fronted will be considered null and void)
- Take care of all good practices - naming conventions, MVC structure etc.