Bridge - T_HACKS 4.0 Project (Team Radiant)

..conneting ideas to investments..

Bridge for Startups is a platform to support thriving, diverse, and inclusive startup communities around the world. We connect startups with the right people, products, and best practices to help your startup grow.

Table of Contents

  1. Features
  2. Technologies
  3. Installation

Screenshot Screenshot

Video Demo


  • A platform where startups, small or large, can list themselves and showcase their products.
  • A marketplace where investors can find new and upcoming startups to invest in and follow their progress.
  • A connecting medium between ideas and investments.
  • A unique concept to list budding startups from schools and colleges.
  • A special section for inspiring stories of startups growing from scratch.
  • A learn section for amateurs as well as experts to learn and share knowledge.
  • A platform to promote entrepenuership culture among school and college going students.


Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot


A list of technologies used within the project:

  • HTML5
  • CCS3
  • JavaScript
  • Express
  • MongoDB
  • NodeJs
  • Mongoose
  • PassportJS
  • RazorPay API


A little intro about the installation.

$ git clone

$ npm install

$ node index.js 
$ npm start