
Built a feature-rich e-commerce app with Node.js, MongoDB, React.js, and Redux. Integrated Stripe for payments, advanced product search, an intuitive Admin Dashboard, user reviews, ratings, Wishlist, and coupon code functionality. Conducted backend unit tests with Mocha and Chai. Leveraged AWS-S3 for scalable storage of avatars and product images.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Order Planning - An E-commerce Platform

This full-stack e-commerce application is built using cutting-edge technologies to provide users with a seamless shopping experience. Below are some key features and technologies used in the development:


  • Browse and Shop:

    • Buyers can explore store categories, products, and brands.
    • Intuitive filtering options for price, rating, and categories to enhance the search experience.
  • Admin Dashboard:

    • Comprehensive admin dashboard to manage and control various components of the store.
  • User Engagement:

    • Enabled user reviews, ratings, and Wishlist features to enhance user interaction.
  • Payment Integration:

    • Integrated Stripe for secure and convenient payment processing.
  • Additional Functionality:

    • Implemented advanced product searching and filtering functionalities.
    • Integrated coupon code functionality for discounts.
    • Seamless return and refund features for a smooth user experience.
    • Increased Performing performance by 85% using caching.
  • Upcoming Features:

    • Adding more filtering functionalities for the products.
    • Adding Google OAuth, OTP Based Login to the users.
    • Adding subscription functionality using Stripe membership for users.
    • Adding Multilingual Support for the users of different languages.
    • Adding Recommendation System for the users to help them shop better with suggesstions.

Technologies Used

  • Backend:

    • Node.js provides the backend environment.
    • Express middleware handles requests, routes, and user authentication.
    • MongoDB with Mongoose schemas models the application data.
  • Frontend:

    • React.js for building dynamic and responsive UI components.
    • Redux for managing the application's state.
    • Redux Thunk middleware for handling asynchronous redux actions.
  • Testing:

    • Unit tests performed using Mocha and Chai in the backend to ensure robust code quality.
  • Storage:

    • AWS-S3 utilized for efficient storage of user avatars and product images, ensuring scalability and performance.


Some basic git commands are:

$ git clone https://github.com/AnantDuhan/MERN-Ecommerce.git
$ cd MERN-Ecommerce
$ npm install

For Backend - npm install For Frontend - cd frontend npm install

Env Variables

Make Sure to Create a config.env file in backend/config directory that include:


Heroku Deployment

> Create a Procfile in the root directory of your application with the following command **web: npm run start:production**

Simple build for production

$ npm run production

Run the application for development

for frontend

$ npm start

for backend

$ npm run dev

Run the application for production

$ npm run start:production

Languages & tools

Code Formatter

  • Add a .vscode directory
  • Create a file settings.json inside .vscode
  • Install Prettier - Code formatter in VSCode
  • Add the following snippet:
    "editor.formatOnSave": true,
    "prettier.singleQuote": true,
    "prettier.arrowParens": "avoid",
    "prettier.jsxSingleQuote": true,
    "prettier.trailingComma": "none",
    "javascript.preferences.quoteStyle": "single"