A minimalist social networking web app for developers built using the MERN stack. It was made as an attempt to master the MERN stack.
1. Clone the repo
2. cd DevConnector
3. npm install
4. make a .env file with the following keys: mongoURI, jwtSecret, githubClientId, githubSecret, EmailId, Password, Name
5. cd client
6. npm install
7. cd ..
5. npm run dev
6. Open the project on
- User signup/signin
- CRUD on Developer Profile including skills, experience, education location and latest Github repos
- Share posts (CRUD)
- Discussion on posts (comments)
- Welcome emails sent using nodemailer
- MongoDB
- Express.js
- React.js + Redux for state management
- Node.js
Feel free to fork this repo and raise an issue or submit a PR in case of any bugs.