
Employing advanced data analysis and visualization in Excel, I offered a comprehensive overview of gender distribution, salary trends, departmental proportions, and post tier representation. Leveraged these insights for informed decisions, diversity enhancement, and refined recruitment strategies, optimizing the hiring process.

Hiring Process Analytics Project


This project focuses on analyzing the hiring process within our company to gain insights into various aspects of our recruitment efforts. By utilizing Excel and data visualization techniques, I aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of our hiring practices and identify areas for improvement.

Project Tasks and Outputs

Task 1: Gender Distribution in Hires

  • Insight: The hiring process has resulted in 2563 male and 1856 female hires.
  • Recommendation: Consider gender diversity initiatives to ensure equitable representation and attract a more balanced talent pool.

Task 2: Average Salary Analysis

  • Insight: The average salary offered in the company is $49,752.90.
  • Recommendation: Compare the average salary with industry standards and competitors to optimize our compensation packages.

Task 3: Salary Distribution by Class Intervals

Class Intervals Frequency
0-40000 2831
40001-80000 2963
80001-120000 1370
120001-160000 0
160001-200000 1
  • Insight: Majority of employees fall within the $0-$80,000 salary range.
  • Recommendation: Review salary distribution for fairness and competitiveness, especially in the higher salary brackets.

Task 4: Departmental Proportions Visualization

Department Proportions

  • Insight: Operations and Service departments have the highest number of employees.
  • Recommendation: Assess departmental distribution against strategic goals and consider adjustments if needed.

Task 5: Post Tier Representation Analysis

Post Tier Representation

  • Insight: "c9" post tier has the highest representation, followed by "i7" and "c5."
  • Recommendation: Evaluate post tier distribution for career progression opportunities and alignment with growth plans.

How to Use

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.
  2. Open the Excel file Hiring Process Analytics.xlsx to access the dataset used for analysis.
  3. Review the Excel sheets for data details and formulas used for calculations.
  4. Explore the generated visualizations in the graphs directory.
  5. Refer to the project report for detailed insights and recommendations.


Contributions to this project are welcome! If you have suggestions for improvements, data enhancements, or new analyses, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.

By Ananwita Sarkar