
Project Description

This repository houses the materials and developments from a project conducted at IISER Pune, mentored by Dr. Anindya Goswami. Delve deeper into the foundational aspects and objectives of the initiative by visiting the official course page.

Week 1: Blockchain Fundamentals

  • Introduction to Blockchain: A holistic understanding of the fundamental mechanisms driving blockchain technology.
  • Global Impacts: Investigated the far-reaching financial and economic repercussions of blockchain across varied sectors, including pharmaceuticals and supply chains.
  • Vulnerability Assessment: Undertook a systematic analysis to unearth potential vulnerabilities within blockchain technology.

Week 2: Practical Application

  • Blockchain-based Voting System: Orchestrated the creation of a decentralized voting framework, specifically designed for academic settings.

Research & Development Insights:

  1. Penetrated deep into the intricacies of Blockchain architecture and Distributed Ledger Technologies.
  2. Pioneered research to unveil broader applications of blockchain beyond mere financial facets. This encompassed sectors such as supply chain management, healthcare, and more, while also suggesting novel methodologies to surmount prevalent challenges.
  3. Diligently studied consensus algorithms, with a focus on proof-of-work and proof-of-stake systems, while also exploring the Tangle structure and the tip selection MCMC algorithm.
  4. Executed a meticulous vulnerability analysis across Blockchain 1.0, Blockchain 2.0, and the Tangle, unmasking potential security loopholes.

Repository Structure

This repository is organized into various folders, each serving a distinct purpose:

  • MITM: Implementation of a simple Man in the Middle Attack
  • Smart Contract: A basic etherium contract for storing user data on blockchain.
  • Project Report: Contains a thorough Vulnerability Analysis of Blockchain and Tangle

Feel free to navigate through the repository to explore the project in detail. Feedback and contributions are always welcome!