
This dashboard is used to send resumes of our clients to all companies to help them secure jobs in Saudi Arabia. It was developed using the MERN Stack with Tailwind CSS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Cv Sender

  • CV Sender is a dashboard that contains companies data. we use it for marketing my clients' resumes and sending them to companies emails.
  • It streamlines the process of managing company data and facilitating the marketing of client resumes by seamlessly sending them to company emails.
  • Key features include adding and editing company information, promoting resumes, creating and sending invoices, and viewing invoice details.

Technologies Used

  • React.js
  • Redux toolkit
  • Tailwind css
  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • MongoDB
  • Mongoose
  • Multer & nodemailer

The dashboard consists of 5 main pages

  • Add Company Page: This page allows you to add new company information.

  • All Companies Page: Here, you can view a list of all the companies, search for specific ones, and apply filters.

  • Resume Promotion Page: This page is dedicated to promoting resumes to potential employers.

  • Add Invoice Page: You can use this page create, add new invoices and send it to client.

  • View All Invoices Page: Here, you can see a list of all the invoices, search, show, delete for specific ones, and their details.

The website serves as a central hub for managing company data, marketing resumes, and handling invoices efficiently.

Another Pages

  • Edit Company Page: This page allows you to edit the information of the current company.

  • View Invoice Page: This page enables you to view specific details of a particular invoice and allows you to print it by pressing Ctrl + P.

  • Error Page: If any error occurs in the application or if a non-existent page is accessed, this page will be displayed to the users.


To run the project locally, follow these steps:

  • First, you need to install node.js

  • Clone this repository.

  • Install dependencies using run this command in the root directory npm run setup.

  • Configure environment variables Create the .env file in the root directory and add the following

    NODE_ENV = development
    PORT = 5110
    DATABASE_URL = "your mongodb url"
    JWT_SECRET = "abc"
    EMAIL = ""

Run The App From root directory

#  To run client (:3000) with backend(:5100)
$ npm run dev

#  To run client (:3000) only
$ npm run client

# To run backend (:5100) only
$ npm run server


"hiring request" "Invoice" "Add Company" "list all Companies" "Send CV to companies" "Send invoice to client" "list all invoices"