
Django web application for managing customer information and interactions. It allows users to create new customers, record interactions, and view summaries of recent interactions.

Primary LanguagePython


Customer360 is a Django web application for managing customer information and interactions. It allows users to create new customers, record interactions, and view summaries of recent interactions.


  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone https://github.com/yourusername/customer360.git
  2. Install dependencies:
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Apply migrations to set up the database:
    python manage.py migrate
  4. Create a superuser to access the admin panel:
    python manage.py createsuperuser
  5. Run the development server:
    python manage.py runserver
  6. Access the application at http://localhost:8000/ and the admin panel at http://localhost:8000/admin/.



Admin Panel

  • Use the Django admin panel to manage customers and interactions.
  • Create new customers, record interactions, and view summary reports.


  • Home: / - Displays a list of customers with the option to interact with them.
  • New Customer: /create/ - Form to add a new customer.
  • Interact: /interact/<customer_id>/ - Form to interact with a specific customer.
  • Summary: /summary/ - View recent interaction summaries.

Project Structure

  • customer360/: Django project directory.
    • settings.py: Django settings for the project.
    • urls.py: URL configurations for routing.
  • customers/: Django app for customer management.
    • models.py: Defines Customer and Interaction models.
    • views.py: Contains view functions for handling requests.
    • templates/: HTML templates for rendering pages.
    • static/: Static files (CSS, JS, etc.).
  • manage.py: Django's command-line utility for administrative tasks.



  • Represents a customer with basic information.
  • Fields:
    • id: Auto-generated primary key.
    • name: Name of the customer.
    • email: Email address of the customer.
    • phone: Phone number of the customer.
    • address: Address of the customer.
    • social_media: (Added in migration) Social media handle of the customer.


  • Represents an interaction with a customer.
  • Fields:
    • id: Auto-generated primary key.
    • customer: ForeignKey to Customer model.
    • channel: Communication channel (phone, sms, email, letter, social media).
    • direction: Direction of interaction (inbound, outbound).
    • interaction_date: Date of the interaction.
    • summary: Summary of the interaction.